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Oh come on!  He (and the Greens) will be trashed by a party with real policies!



I mean who can argue with the Food safety policy - certainly not ED!


And watch out LDs:

The whole evening was very enjoyable but went on much to long, but worth waiting for because Hairy Knorm didn't come last in fact 6th out of 13 was a very good out come when you consider that the Lib Dems only got 198 votes more than us, less than 200 for a party that half in power raised a few eyebrows, and Knorm got the biggest cheer of the night!


That's not all, its not the end yet, we and only we, no other party were invited back to the UKIP victory party at a night club afterwards a free bar as much Champagne as you wanted, Sky TV were there and its been shown a lot of times I believe, people keep telling me, although I have not seen it myself yet! I suppose the biggest accolade to the Party was when Mark Reckless made his victory speech, thanking everybody in the usual way but picking out Hairy Knorm for a special mention!

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Both of them are privately educated 'public school boys' but only the fat one went to Oxford Uni whilst the skinny one went into a job in the City that his stockbroker dad organised for him.  So, not much to choose between them.


I suppose the fat one has a book deal or a comedy tour to promote which might explain why he's chucked his hat into the ring.


Yup, Nige's abject faiure to go on the Oxford - how to screw friends and BS people - PPE course, and get a real job (as a metals trader not a stockbroker) instead, defo disqualifies him from joining the ranks of the uni-to-gravy-train ruling elites.


What you could do with a PPE degree


Sit in the cabinet

David Cameron, William Hague, Danny Alexander


Stand in the shadow

Ed Balls, Yvette Cooper, Ruth Kelly, David Miliband, Ed Miliband, Jacqui Smith


Decide on interest rates

Marian Bell, Tim Besley


Express an opinion

Tariq Ali, Evan Davis


Win a Nobel prize

James E. Meade


Be a journalist or broadcaster

Evan Davis, Stephanie Flanders, Tim Harford


Write verse and prose

Monica Ali, Vikram Seth




Note that you aren't properly qualified to Express an opinion without a PPE. This explains why Evan Davis won't let anyone he's interviewing get a word in edgewise and constantly answers his own questions, whilst the appalling Yvette Cooper never finds it necessary to connect her brain to her mouth. I will stop here before I get on to our Tariq!


Ukip will win nothing there just a fad like the famous four Williams,Owen,Jenkins etc if the broker had been around then perhaps

Enid Blyton could of written a book about them,missing the famous out...


This is latest comforting assurance the establishment is promoting, after all the others have been systematically shot down in flames.  History says different.


If your tribal loyalty to Labour had some logical basis Tony I could understand where you were coming from, but you must see that Labour is now the real class enemy of ordinary British working people. Politics has become a sham; both major parties pretend to heed the needs of ordinary people whilst - each for their own reasons - completely selling them out to overseas interests.


Look at what's behind the curtain; people like Mandelson are pulling the Labour Party levers. You THINK your union is pulling his strings, but Miliband was put there by other forces, and your union leader is just a patsy.  It's Blairism all over again, they've simply inserted one more misleading screen that says we've turned left. They haven't even bothered to replace Balls for God's sake!  All the old Westminster elitists are still there, and they've recruited even more to the gentleman's club.


Surely you are brighter than this, or is the promise of more bread and circuses an eternal means to enslavement?  The way out isn't the I'm taking this shafting on my own terms of Dennis Skinner, or the lame street protest of Russell Brand. It's to get right in there and sort the b's out by the same democratic process that they've subverted.  At the moment that means voting Ukip - not out of any sort of tribalism, but because it's the only way to fix our broken democracy.

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Look out for Al Murray's party political broadcast.

The FUKP party!

He alleges he is going to stand for Thanet!

Very funny and very dodgy content.


I said his Dad was a stockbroker.


I like what he said about Fritz.


Rereading.  Mmmm...  clever turn of phrase there; have you ever considered politics?  Ok, ok, I will concede that one! ;)


Look out for Al Murray's party political broadcast.

The FUKP party!

He alleges he is going to stand for Thanet!

Very funny and very dodgy content.

will be interesting to see how many people vote for him, would be even more interesting if he got in.


When Al Murray started his comedy life as the pub landlord his opening line / lines were that in his pub it was :-

'A pint of beer and a glass of white wine or fruit based drink for the lady those are the rules.

Without rules where would we be :- France!

Too many rules :- Germany!'

Interesting that he is being taken seriously.

Maybe comedy is the only way to highlight issues.

As Adam says it will be interesting to see how many votes he gets!



Let's get real here Al Murray is a comedien he does it for a living,next people will be telling me Eric & Ern were actually 2 guys living

A real life situation it's all commence Lol...


No No No !!!! They were just mates & Eric even smoked in bed don't think you'll approved on that one Sym


No No No !!!! They were just mates...


Not really - they were business partners who in real life deliberately avoided any mutual socialising.  Their long and profitable partnership stemmed from erecting Chinese walls and respecting them. Countless others in showbiz didn't do that, resulting in the inevitable acrimonious splits. There's a lesson in there for Europe and Europhiles!


Ggg I thought they were buddies like steptoe & son,Ant & Dec you've got me feeling so negative of partnerships bring me sunshine.bring me rain...


Al Murray as a comedian has,with his comedy, raised some very valid points.

By over stating or making ridiculous suggestions people may think carefully about what is happening and who they vote for in the coming election.

There are so many claims and counter claims that all to often the whole election process can be comedy pure and simple.

Common sense! As Al Murray would say.

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