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A news story that won't be on the PCBBC any time soon:


NASA reveals that Antarctica is actually gaining more ice than it is losing


"Our main disagreement is for East Antarctica and the interior of West Antarctic, there, we see an ice gain that exceeds the losses in the other areas,” added Zwally, an expert at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.


So, the man with the means to see the whole picture confirms (if more confirmation were really necessary) that the Antarctic is net putting on ice not losing it!  That would make those evil, incredibly stupid, "climate change deniers" right all along.  How damn inconvenient if you've built a career (or a political party) on selling pseudo-science to the gullible!


Of course absolutely no one denies that climate changes, that's what climate has always done.  But, our elites are in a position to control the language, so it's relatively easy for them to substitute climate change for global warming and conveniently drop the word anthropomorphic  in process (after all what would the plebs make of such a big word?).


Enough people really really want the "climate change" pseudo science to be a reality, so, rather than admit to real scientific evidence, the mantra will continue morphing into another insanely costly attempt to control some other uncontrollable.  The bleedingly obvious anthropomorphic factors in the environment (like the horrendous plastic pollution) we can do something about, without vast effort or expense, will continue to be ignored.  When I see a group of Greens picking plastic out of hedgerows or off the beaches I will consider voting for them.

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Posted (edited)

All this 'Anthropomorphic' stuff is utter BS. The true figures reveal that there are exactly the same parts-per-million (ppm) of CO2 in the atmosphere as there were in 1900 ............. BEFORE industrialisation!


Now, once prosperous nations cannot grow their economies because of this ridiculous lie called Global Warming. Underdeveloped countries are having to take out huge loans with the IMF and World Bank to finance the fairy tale.


Many 'proper' scientists know the scam for what it is. The  Société de Calcul Mathématique, SA, a group of French mathematicians, have recently blasted it for the absurdity it is http://www.scmsa.eu/accueil_e.htm


We live in strange times. Be afraid. Be VERY afraid.

Edited by webtrekker
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GLOBAL COOLING: Decade long ice age predicted as sun 'hibernates'


A team of European researchers have unveiled a scientific model showing that the Earth is likely to experience a "mini ice age” from 2030 to 2040 as a result of decreased solar activity.


Their findings will infuriate environmental campaigners who argue by 2030 we could be facing increased sea levels and flooding due to glacial melt at the poles.


However, at the National Astronomy Meeting in Wales, Northumbria University professor Valentina Zharkova said fluctuations an 11-year cycle of solar activity the sun goes through would be responsible for a freeze, the like of which has not been experienced since the 1600s.


Why should we be inclined to believe this group of scientists rather than the ruling "warmist lobby"?  Well, for a start, they are unlikely to be funded by the central heating and double glazing industries, and they aren't screaming imminent doom and disaster, or pushing for international jollies in exotic climbs (just yet).


It's also par for the course to discover our politicos have all along been doing precisely the wrong thing, and throwing away vast sums of British tax payers money on crazy "ground nut" schemes.  I'm looking at you Ed Miliband!  Which political party will be the first to have the courage to advocate repealing the insane and completely unaffordable Climate Change Act 2008?  Does the Thames outside their windows have to freeze over before they will admit to being victims of mass delusion?

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  • 4 weeks later...

...the way this wholesale manipulation of the official temperature record – for reasons GHCN and Giss have never plausibly explained – has become the real elephant in the room of the greatest and most costly scare the world has known. This really does begin to look like one of the greatest scientific scandals of all time.


Full article: The fiddling with temperature data is the biggest science scandal ever

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No, that can't possibly be true. I've seen with my own eyes poster of cute, white, fluffy polar bears that will be wiped out by global warming.


Pass me my wallet, and a hankie........

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Posted (edited)

No, that can't possibly be true. I've seen with my own eyes poster of cute, white, fluffy polar bears that will be wiped out by global warming.


Pass me my wallet, and a hankie........


Some time ago I recall one of my nieces telling her mum that every time she left a light on a polar bear died. She'd been taught this at school. Of course, climate does change - it always has and always will - and I have little doubt that the colossal population of the planet has some influence on this, but I never bought the 'it's all our fault' stuff.

Edited by mercuryg
Posted (edited)

Some time ago I recall one of my nieces telling her mum that every time she left a light on a polar bear died. She'd been taught this at school. Of course, climate does change - it always has and always will - and I have little doubt that the colossal population of the planet has some influence on this, but I never bought the 'it's all our fault' stuff.



That's a terrible lie for schools to tell kids.mercuryg.


Our special friend and ally, Mr. George Dubya Bush, knew how crap the education system was though when he said, "Rarely is the question asked: Is our children learning?"


Actually, from what I've been able to find out, the polar bears are doing very well thank you. Their population has increased 500% over the last 50 years.

Edited by webtrekker
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Posted (edited)

Alarmists might like to consider this too, though I doubt they will ...


If all the world's leading nations stick to the carbon-reduction commitments they will make in Paris this week, then they will stave off "global warming†by the end of this century by 0.170 degrees C.

Oh – and that's the optimistic scenario, calculated by Bjorn Lomborg, assuming that countries like, say, China don't lie or cheat about how much CO2 they're burning secretly.

His more pessimistic – ie more realistic – scenario is that the best we can hope for is a reduction in global warming by the end of the century of 0.048 degrees C.

This temperature reduction – five hundredths of one degree – is so small as to be almost immeasurable. But if you want to know what it feels like, Willis Eschenbach has done the calculations. It's the equivalent of walking five metres higher up a mountain. Or, if you prefer, climbing two flights of stairs.

And there you have it: the lunacy of the Paris climate conference in one sentence: $1.5 trillion every year till the end of the century to effect the equivalent of walking to your bedroom.

Edited by webtrekker
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And, here's part of what The Daddy* had to say in his Guardian column today:


"Many of you will be reading this on a tablet made by a Chinese teenager using rare metals that an African child has scraped off the side of a hill with a spoon, then sent halfway round the world to you so you can smugly talk about how little paper you now use."


*Frankie Boyle



Read the whole thing here: http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2015/dec/01/frankie-boyle-climate-change-drought-ocean-desperate

Posted (edited)

what has always puzzled me is the 'fact' that apparently it is the 'modern' world that has caused this?? so how does that equate with the 2000 yrs of wood burning fires that we have had ? - smog?? not in uk now -- ok in china and some places - lung disease -- very prevalent in wood burning countries -- oh yes and Scotland -- nice open countryside and bare hills -- er cos they cut the trees down to sell to London to fuel the industrial revolution..

so what do we do -- oh yes -- whinge about wind farms ..I have no problem with them - just the way they are financed -- offshore windfarms -- the issue is ? - tidal energy reclamation? what is the issue?

- nuclear? -- is there a viable alternative ?? - theres a house aside torness I would love to buy!!!  fracking? - not too sure about long term geological issues but its way down and well below the water table and we have had 1000 yrs of coal mining in the area and there have been some problems but not that many and its a whole different thing.

I think that folk should consider -- we walk into a room and expect that when you flick a switch a light comes on -- when you turn on a tap you get water.. and look at the 'news' - if there is an outage on any of those its a major disaster. there has to be a way forward - but the extremists on both ends of the scale have to be excluded.

saw an interesting article today about lateral thinking --wasn't totally in agreement but could see where it was coming from -- thought driven by emotion/personal/belief etc rather than basic realism.

Edited by pilgrim

You've got to admire them though ........... they think up some damned good scams.


I mean, Religion for one. Then there's the brilliant Fractional Reserve Banking, I love that one. Creatively adjusting the Libor rate left me totally in awe, while Saddam's mythical WMD's were the icing on the cake! Thank you Mr. Bliar!


We live in fun times. Just keep swallowing the Fluoride and you'll be fine. :D


is it just flouride they put in the water?



Your guess is as good as mine pilgrim. Anyway, to be on the safe side,I've given up drinking water. I just stick to beer and tea now! :D


sensible about not drinking the water -- use water in ice form but sterilise it with lots of, say for example gin , add some tonic water as it contains quinine as that works against malaria. I can scientifically prove that this is effective as I have conducted field tests for over 40 yrs with the above and have never had malaria once .... now that is science !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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When I was young scientific method meant that all theories were always up for discussion, and that if something came along which better fitted the data the previous theory could be consigned to history - principally, everything was always up for discussion.  History, however, seems to have stopped.  At least it has at the Biased BBC!


The BBC Trust's Editorial Standards Committee said the 5 August edition of What's The Point Of... had criticised the Met Office for promoting a "climate change theory" said to be "alarmist".

The programme, it went on, did not make clear the Met Office's work was in line with "prevailing scientific thought".

The committee's chairman said it had fallen "well short" of standards.

In its report, the committee said What's The Point Of..., presented by Daily Mail sketch writer Quentin Letts, had a "humorous and mildly provocative" tone.

The 5 August programme, it went on, "included contributors who spoke from a particular perspective" that was not made clear to audiences.

According to the committee, editorial oversight had been "limited" and the "contentious nature of some content was not recognised" before transmission.


In other words: in a slack moment we let through something which admitted to a non-alarmist viewpoint, and that simply won't do!  So, we will censor it under the spurious and pathetic excuse of lack of impartiality.  This is truly Orwellian!




Well Biased BBC, your lame excuse just about describes 50% of your output these days! So carry on censoring stuff that doesn't conform with your PC group-think, then we can have a bumper edition of the What's the point of...?  entitled: What's the point of a publicly funded broadcasting organisation that has lost all perspective, and is controlled by an arrogant liberal-leftie elite!   But, somehow, I don't think that program will even get to the commissioning stage.

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GGG wrote: "What's the point of a publicly funded broadcasting organisation that has lost all perspective, and is controlled by an arrogant liberal-leftie elite! "


That is the point of our beloved Auntie, to windup the likes of Disgusted of Tunbridge Wells, Outraged of Ormskirk, and our very own Bemused of Bedlington :rolleyes:


Sym says, "hurrah for the liberal-leftie elite!"

Sym says, "hurrah for the liberal-leftie elite!"


Even when their potty internationalist view of the world is the only one that can be heard?  Even when they infiltrate our schools and tell our children what they must think rather than how to think for themselves?  Even when they bend reality to suit their myopic views of everything?  Even when they conspire with international capital to create an underclass to service them, and preserve their own undeserved, non-productive, lifestyle?  Even when they set about a deliberate eradication of our culture, and a rewrite our history?


Who controls the past controls the future; who controls the present controls the past.


I think you are a mite confused brother: you are clearly one of us Proles!  If you want to turn your back on your ancestry, and decry everything they did and ever stood for you could become a bit lonely in our part of Eurasia.

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An interesting facet on where this whole internationalist bag of tricks originated:


Farewell to the man who invented 'climate change'

...just in case anyone had any doubts that it's all about social engineering, and has b-all to do with science!


He's been hiding up in China since 2005, lest his masterful plan should start to unravel; it's simply working so well at the moment!

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Other viewpoints can be accepted.

The World is not all black and white.

As we know only to well if we are Newcastle Supporters.

Thinking for ourselves means accepting no one biased theory even if people insist it is obvious true and beyond doubt.

  • 1 year later...

The climbdown is becoming less subtle now, but carefully geared not to jeopardise those research budgets and "scientist's" international jollies:

Climate change not as threatening to planet as previously thought, new research suggests


According to the models used to draw up the agreement, the world ought now to be 1.3 degrees above the mid-19th-Century average, whereas the most recent observations suggest it is actually between 0.9 to 1 degree above.

We're in the midst of an energy revolution and it's happening faster than we thoughtProfessor Michael Grubb, University College London

The discrepancy means nations could continue emitting carbon dioxide at the current rate for another 20 years before the target was breached, instead of the three to five predicted by the previous model.

“When you are talking about a budget of 1.5 degrees, then a 0.3 degree difference is a big deal”, said Professor Myles Allen, of Oxford University and one of the authors of the new study.

Published in the journal Nature Geoscience, it suggests that if polluting peaks and then declines to below current levels before 2030 and then continue to drop more sharply, there is a 66 per cent chance of global average temperatures staying below 1.5 degrees.

The goal was yesterday described as “very ambitious” but “physically possible”.

Remember that $100Bn a year of other people's money that Global Gordon thought wasn't enough to throw at the problem?

And remember the more recent self-congratulatory, back-slapping charade that was the 2015 Paris Climate Change Accord?

In plain language what the above means is that the "challenging targets" are likely to be met without anyone doing/spending anything.  Can someone please dream up another pending global catastrophe so that the junketing of the grandstanding ruling elites can continue - the AGW one is now being carefully and steadily buried in the pages of history.  Simply keep the retreat a bit ahead of the calendar, and we scientists and politicos will all be comfortably retired long before any serious historical review emerges.


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