threegee Posted February 10, 2016 Posted February 10, 2016 I've been watching the sign ups for the campaign over the past few weeks and they are now noticeably accelerating. It's a bit difficult to find any figures for the posher "rival" Vote Leave campaign though it seems to have gone a long way to sorting its internal problems, but seemingly not before Labour Leave has withdrawn its support in favour of the totally united Grassroots Out initiative. For me Vote Leave was always a bit too close to the elites, and I couldn't understand why Kate Hoey (and even Ronnie Campbell) wanted to cuddle up with them. Its agenda is (or was) to leave with an intention of rejoining the EU on the UK's own terms. I think this is verging on the naive, as if you accept that the EU is a political construct unwilling to reform and headed for disaster, then how is Brexit going to change that? It's a bit like saying that this marriage clearly isn't working, so I'm going for divorce in order to give my partner a jolt so that we can ultimately remarry on my terms. Actually our perfect partner still out there, and we foolishly jilted her for the over madeup gold digger with the fake boobs. Her name is EFTA and she's still waiting for us to come to our senses, and take her in our arms! Whatever your core politics it's now time to GO! There's a wonderful life awaiting outside of the EU, and all this nonsense, dreamed up the international elites for their own enrichment, simply has to end.
TGH Posted February 11, 2016 Posted February 11, 2016 (edited) Hi threegee As far as Kate Hoey is concerned “she is… “split like a banana” overloaded with chocolate, she’s gone, nonvisible, disqualified herself. Ronnie Campbell, I’m not quite sure, doesn’t he understand the ramifications of his own doing, has he forgotten who he is & who he supposed to be standing up for? It’s more than naïve… The EU is, as it is a… “Constrained Political Construct” being managed by the wrong people, have a look at the three representing the North East!. If it had been built with bricks & mortar it probably wouldn’t be there any longer. “However, Whatever your core politics it's now time to GO!…” My core politics are & is DEMOCRACY… always will be! I also believe that, all good people, that’s the majority of us, are in favour of from the BOTTOM UP politics & not from the TOP DOWN politics version. This "adulterated democratic version," is what we are suffering from & it’s in use today. TGH-proposal: We stay IN and GET IT SORTED OUT… It’s not going anywhere overnight, where it will be, or what happens tomorrow …Que Sera, Sera AND I DO NOT KNOW EITHER… BUT, I DO KNOW…&… IT WON’T, COME EASY…!!! That means ENGLAND as well, not just the EU & further afield neighbors & surroundings. “There's a wonderful life awaiting outside of the EU” TGH asks: Tell me where it is & you can forget what I’ve just said up to now & the rest that follows`? TGH-proposal: It’s time for all of the citizen’s, of all member countries to make use of their democratic choice, to un equivocally demand from those, OUR so called “LEADERS” start doing what they are paid for. Do all that is necessary, to get rid of all this nonsense, & in the process, get rid of all, & everything that is causing or providing it… TGH-proposal: If they don’t do what is required…“KICK THEM OUT” How to, It’s easy, & it’s free, doesn’t even cost a farthing! Use your democratic choice, De Select all of them, let them be assured that they will not ever again be eligible to be re-elected to conduct matters essential, or not, for the public at any time & any place again. “… dreamed up the international elites for their own enrichment” TGH-proposal: Wake up the international elites with a big, big, big bang. If possible, prosecute them… & throw away the… How to, It’s easy, & it’s free. doesn’t even cost a farthing! Use your democratic choice, Stop using & or, buying their products that they are “Peddling”, some of them not even fit for human consumption… Get rid of the Hedge Funds, & other hypothetical Invest-Utopia consortiums. Do you really believe you get something for nothing.? & your chips are free…??? TGH-proposal: I’m going to leave EFTA out of it for now, I’m standing “HER” up!!! I’m not too sure if she’s is a positive abbreviation, or could she be an ANAGRAM for something even more worse than the EU. What happens if you leave the "Grassroots of DEMOCRACY"… Open up your window & take a look... It probably looks just the same as it was before you took a look. The EU is FOUL… THAT IS AN UNDISPUTED CORRECT TRUTH!!! “Europa Regina” was not conceived in the middle ages to be what it is today. From the conception, the “seeds” that were sown, are not responsible for the present situation. It’s just like DEMOCRACY you only get what you vote for…From the people you voted for… When the “Farmers” are allowed to manipulate the crops for a none tolerable & sustainable corruptprofits… we all pay the price… On the “Democratic Path” in the History of England, right up until this very day, many, too many, far too many, have paid the ultimate price…for us, & they continue to do so today. Web Tyler & Emmeline Pankhurst, ordinary people, together with countless thousands of others like them,… do you want to rebrand them as being terrorist. Normally, as I use “Media” Print, spoken & visual from different sources & languages to gather an opinion. It can be, tedious, frustrating, challenging, is it a bona fide source of information that I’m hearing? reading? viewing? finding out what others do, say or think… They don’t see things the way we do, for whatever that is worth! I’d like to rephrase that little bit to reveal and read to be “FOR WHAT’S WORTH” my grey cells aren’t up to scratch, right now. Anyway read this if you feel for England & the EU Normally I wouldn’t propose the Independent as first choice, but this is good. It reminds me of how I’ve always been told that this, or that is good for me & I can’t go on with out it because… Agent Orange… Atomic… Atomic Bombs Biological… Chemical… I won’t go on with the alphabetical(s) I’ll just throw this in for good measure… If you don’t eat your meat, you can’t have any pudding . . . I’m not stupid, neither am I delusional (MICEY)! At least I don't think not… I’m just another average “Geordie Hinny” or “Canny lad Jack” that was born & bred in “Pitmatic” Bedlington in Bedlingtonshire, Northumberland, England – OUTSIDE of the EU. I’ll close with two Quotes from a deportee, migrant, I’m not quiet sure who or what she was… „The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched – they must be felt with the heart.“ “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.“ The „ROOF“ has a bloody big hole in it. Mr. “Austerity” Osborne & "Con-Sortium" won’t repair it. It can really make one choke, when you think of what was…& where it is going now… the Swanee... ...a black hole? The Eastern World It Is xxxxxxxxx, & you don’t believe we’re on the eve of … according to Barry McGuire… TGH means nothing personal against you threegee, I just wanted, having felt the need to, air my thoughts, & pour wine into... or water into... anyway, I want the fire put out, so we don't get cremated... Ah wants to keep the fire gannin wheel ahad leik & so we's all feel cuddly and warm! TGH Edited February 11, 2016 by TGH
threegee Posted February 11, 2016 Author Posted February 11, 2016 Wow you've been on overtime there TGH! You say you believe in democracy and then you say "TGH-proposal: We stay IN and GET IT SORTED OUT…". How do you think that is going to happen? The EU is fundamentally undemocratic, and it is almost entirely top down. Policy is made by the commissioners, not by our MEPs, so there's no point in berating our North East MEPs - they are only there to give the illusion of democracy. Those are our overlords led by Herr Juncker in the middle. No one elected them, and no one can dismiss them in the way you advocate! They are mostly failed politicos who've made a mess of running their own countries, and have been slung out of office by their respective electorates. Voting to stay in plays right into their hands. This is likely the only opportunity we have to say no, and if you throw it away you've given them the approval they need for their post-democratic society. Amongst other things these people have removed a democratically elected PM in Italy, and installed their own puppet, and will do the same elsewhere. They pay no heed to referendum results, and keep putting the same question in different ways until they get the answer they want, because these elitist post-democrats know better than any electorate. Thanks for the TTIP link. I'm not an Indy reader, but their view accords with mine, and they are - of course - dead right! This is yet another reason any informed person can only vote leave! I'm sorry you don't know about EFTA. We used to be EFTA members and it worked very well for us. I remember sending stuff from Bedlington Post Office to Scandinavia with a very minimum of form filling, and no worries that they buyer would get stuck for any extra charges or have customs hassle. It's actually what we were promised the EEC was, but we were lied to! At the time I couldn't understand why we were turning our back on our EFTA partners, because I took what the politicos were saying at face value. The possibility that Ted Heath was lying through his teeth never entered my silly young mind. If you want to legitimise those lies go right ahead and vote IN, but you'd be making a huge mistake that our children and their children will have to face the consequences of. 1
TGH Posted February 11, 2016 Posted February 11, 2016 threegee I agree, amazing, almost 100% in the entirety of your remarks.. When I read your statement I thought it was my own, just couple of minor "pitfalls" along the way & nobody wants to go "In by" without using the Lift. a) It's is in fact far more worse than you've depicted... The effluvia arising from "Political" Cohesion in the EU Parliament, brings back dreaded memories when having to use the building that stood right, from the Red Lion. c) The "ME-P's" Think (Contemplate) more about their next "Curry Wurst" and how to claim back expenses endured (incurred) than doing honest work for their "Supporters.Oh my Gee Read their CV' s & how they gained access. d) Walking away is hardly a clever option or form of stating a Democratic Option. People who walk out find it very, very, difficult to gain readmission e) The reasons you've stated yourself would keep us "trussed" over the the barrel. f) Don't forget that Harold Wilson had two attempts with the Whip, flunked both & went off to the "Silly Isles". g) threegee, I firmly believe more in making a stand for our democratic values, than using the tactical retreat option. Regrouping... the risk is too great, I know it won't be easy, But do we really have alternatives? h) Politicians can not refuse dialog, it's a case we shouldn't disregard. The democratic will, must be enforced, we are an Island in the North Sea, England without Europe, merely a midget. Europe without England, only a Dwarf! I am not void of the EFTA agreement, having spent some time in Norway, I praised my Norwegian colleagues however for them saying "Nei" it was a close call! Their reasons for Independence to Europe was evident. They've got what we would like. What have we got? We have "National Pride"! Forget "The Kaiser Lied" Sing Elgar-Pomp & Circumstance's & England's Pastures are Green It is much, so much better. I don't want to ride on a futile venture with the six hundred either. Are we or are we not a land of hope & glory. On orders we did what we did when we had to do it. Not all of it was right, for the good or better. We can still do it, the character of the man lies in his heart, guided by his brain, we don't need bludgeons & clubs to make a point, democratic choice is a formidable, magnificent adversary. When the INDEX profits are failing, the FTSE DAX & Co hovering on the verge of Plummet, the continuous complaints about low Fuel Prices". Alarm bells are ringing in my ears, where is the EU, England, USA going to get the necessary cash to pay pensions. The Chinese already own Northumbrian Water & much much more in England, where I am they own a lot of the Forrests, the USA is up to the hilt in debt to the Chinese. Yes, Stay In & Sort It Out is the safer option, It's all about striking bargains & making compromise (Not divide & rule). Something we are, & were very, very good at. As a people we've been lied to continuously since the "Normans" The Stoltenberg (N) lobbyist talking for NATO in Europe is as or just as bad as is was from Rasmussen (DK). As lap dogs, giving our so called "Special friends" more of the leash, letting them take it away, gift wrapped with TTIP - EFTA Is not a problem. Check out what Kennedy had to say & do in Europe. Long after Churchill implored for the creation of Europe 1946 in Hungary, Golda Mabovitch alias Golda Mejer is worth a visit, her debut on the scene & political convictions. Who were they where did they come from, making us wonder where are we going to,,, Thanks for the reply TGH PS I anticipate, positive & negative comments Who's that that bruiser trying to muscle in to the left of Junker, & where's Junkers "Side Kick" Herr Schulz"... the Librarian... Her Öttinger, the German fired from his own town, is sporting a sufficient grin (FR-2nd from Right) Where are the English, have they already left. Who's there flying the flag for us. I don't recognize any. All these "photo-shoots" Total waste of time & our money... ,
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