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You can download it from here.

Other parties are cordially invited to post theirs, as (unlike our state broadcaster) the site is politically neutral.  I will even try very hard to refrain from commenting on them! :D

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They still exist? I'll give it a read.


I stopped reading. Can you ask them to stop highlighting L's and I's then it might be readable? Thanks.

1 hour ago, mercuryg said:

They still exist? I'll give it a read.

Yes, but you still only get one party for your money, not two entirely self-contradictory ones like with Labour.  ;)

1 hour ago, mercuryg said:

I stopped reading. Can you ask them to stop highlighting L's and I's then it might be readable? Thanks.

It looks rather well presented to me, but I'm disappointed it doesn't mention HoL reform.  It's coming I think, as Ukip policy is made by ordinary members, not behind closed doors in those legendary "smoke filled rooms".

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It’s horrible; every I and small L is bolded. I’m offering advice from experience in online marketing and presentation. It’s akin to using yellow on white. I don’t know if it’s a mistake or deliberate but as you seem to be quite well in with them, please pass my comments on. Layout etc is fine; just ditch the random bolding. (Unless it is just doing that for me, which would be weird)

13 hours ago, mercuryg said:

I stopped reading. Can you ask them to stop highlighting L's and I's then it might be readable? Thanks.

I think it appears they are bolded because the pdf pages are images and not normal text and take a while to load correctly,especially on a mobile. 

3 hours ago, Tonyp said:

I didn't knowUKIP was still going

That was my thought too.

On 25/04/2018 at 19:16, Tonyp said:

3G as normal lots of waffle

Got any actual points to make Tony, or does comrade Corbyn do all your thinking for you these days?

On 25/04/2018 at 21:14, Tonyp said:

In July moving to Budapest at last not reading about 3GS rants about UKIP 😀

Please keep in touch as I'd love to know how your extremist-lefty views go down with Mr Orban's crowd.  Tiny bit of advice: don't mention immigration, or show any support for the EUcrats, or his Momentum-style bully boys might seek to re-educate you.

You will refuse to accept it but Ukip policy represents pretty much the middle ground of UK politics before it swung drastically to the left through the infiltration of our media and education.  Sure there are a few nutters, but these are well spread out throughout the political spectrum these days.  Even the Ukip nutters don't want us to completely trash our country though, and are amenable to reason.

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On 25/04/2018 at 17:24, mercuryg said:

That was my thought too.

Perhaps you need to stop accepting everything you hear on the BBC, and read in their policy manual (The Guardian).  ;)  "It's a big victory and we can now all go home" is a common delusion, but it's not the way the world actually works.

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12 minutes ago, threegee said:

... Ukip policy represents pretty much the middle ground of UK politics 

I agree with you for once, but isn't that its problem? When do people vote for middle ground? I'm not saying that it's reason to change their stance, but it's always going to be a problem in gaining votes. 

1 minute ago, threegee said:

Perhaps you need to stop accepting everything you hear on the BBC, and read in their policy manual (The Guardian).    ;)"It's a big victory and we can now all go home" is a common delusion, but it's not the way the world actually works.

I rarely watch the news (BBC or otherwise) and read the Telegraph. I've never read the Guardian. I've already mentioned your tendency to make assumptions, it doesn't do you any good. I was of the honest opinion that UKIP had died and gone to politics heaven. I'm quite sure I wasn't alone in that erroneous belief. That it took someone on an obscure and little-used local website to tell me otherwise surely says a lot. Thanks, though, I shall be keeping up with their progress from now on. Perhaps they can get some MP's in the House next time. 

2 minutes ago, mercuryg said:

I agree with you for once, but isn't that its problem? When do people vote for middle ground? I'm not saying that it's reason to change their stance, but it's always going to be a problem in gaining votes. 

You agreed with me about the HoL too!  :)

Combating extremism is always a problem; but you can't combat it with oppositely polarised extremism, which seems to be the current (PC) wisdom.

  • Like 2
Just now, threegee said:

You agreed with me about the HoL too!  :)


Or perhaps you agreed with me? I may have held those beliefs longer than you have. You're not a trend-setter, after all. I probably agree with you on a lot of things. If you were prepared to accept that you're not always right, and you're not the font of knowledge on everything, and the rest of us don't actually need educating, you might find people to be more open, receptive, and learn more about them.



I do believe in some of your values concerning the UK,I don't believe the UK should let people into the country from countries far from these shores e.g Far East,Africa,Middle East. But European people moving from country to country was fine by me most Europeans are doing jobs that so called UK hard working people don't want to do & if you look at the stats e.g time off sick or claiming benefits the British people lose hands down.On the subject of your mate Viktor he is what he is I know you know your history & you you'll know the persecution they suffered by the Otterman empire & there land that was stolen by there neighbouring countries after World War 1. What Viktor said he would be willing to give money to support people in there countries of origin but he wouldn't let them in but he did say that Europeans are welcome as they except the Hungarian culture & way of life.Which he said he would not compromise. On a lighter note if you are ever in Budapest maybe we can sit on the Danube with a big pan of goulash & washed down with some palinkas you'll be more than welcome Viktor your brother would love your ideals 

your brother





Tony's points

"I don't believe the UK should let people into the country from countries far from these shores e.g Far East,Africa,Middle East. But European people moving from country to country was fine by me most Europeans are doing jobs that so called UK hard working people don't want to do"

That's utterly bizarre. Why should country of origin be a defining - or limiting - factor? You're happy to let Europeans in because they are doing jobs the UK unemployed don't want to do (you're right, to a point) but don't think people from further afield should come here? What if they do jobs our 'so called' etc don't want to do, too? Would you be like 'no, sorry, I know you want to work doing dirty, boring manual agricultural work but sorry, you're from Africa, off you go'? How do you justify that, when you let a bloke from Krakow in, who is every bit as foreign? You think people 'moving from country to country is fine' but only when it's certain countries? I mean, seriously, what exactly are you saying here? I wonder whether you've realised that what you've said is entirely akin to saying 'sorry, we don't want coloured people here'? No, you probably haven't. Turn the clock back half a century and more, why don't you?


Eu movement of people around Europe was meant for Europeans not white South Africans 



"Eu movement of people around Europe was meant for Europeans not white South Africans"

Nice attempt at a get out there Tony, put posting a picture of largely coloured people sort of eclipsed it. Perhaps the 'white South Africans' - or others from the parts of the world you think should not be allowed here - came by other means, rather than via the EU rules (well, of course they did)? Perhaps they have a skill to offer? Maybe they fancied a change? How many white South Africans are there coming over here, taking our jobs? You're comment is bizarre, and the picture you post even more so; they look like a decent enough bunch to me.


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