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Observant members will note that the menu item Gallery has now changed to the plural. One click will show you why.

It's intended to display a processed version of the Bedlington Places Gallery only on the homepage - real soon now! So.. any member can put their own pic on the frontpage, quite automagically. If the wilder members of our community behave (Mick) this will be without pre-approval - live dangerously I say! :P

The software is now much improved on what we had even a few weeks back. It's no longer necessary to reduce your camera/phone pics, you can just bang them up from your browser. So, I expect to see a lot more contributions.

You can choose which Gallery your new Album belongs to, and you can create multiple albums. You can make them private or public at will, and you can even password protect the private ones, or specify exactly which members can view them - excluding everyone else.

The public galleries are now truly public. i.e. anyone visiting Bedlington.co.uk can view them. So you might want to review your Public/Private settings on some of your albums.

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Should work, but it hasn't been tested yet. Was looking for something to test it with, but I'm not in a position to get anything relevant to Bedders just at the mo.

Note that only the Video gallery will accept albums with multimedia. Each member is capped at 10MB t the moment, but we are considering upping this considerably OR having a "Contributor" class of membership which has at least 50MB of upload space available.

PM me if you have a prob and we'll try to work through it.

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Should work, but it hasn't been tested yet. Was looking for something to test it with, but I'm not in a position to get anything relevant to Bedders just at the mo.

Note that only the Video gallery will accept albums with multimedia. Each member is capped at 10MB t the moment, but we are considering upping this considerably OR having a "Contributor" class of membership which has at least 50MB of upload space available.

PM me if you have a prob and we'll try to work through it.

tried uploading 1minutes worth to the gallery and into a post, but got an error saying contact an administrator. the video is an mp4 and is 2865KB in size.

i also can no longer see a pm button???

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