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Councillor Wallace - Reflections and Lessons

Russ Wallace

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As 2017 has drawn to a close it is good to reflect on the year and the lessons that can be learned. Since becoming a County Councillor in May my learning curve has been extremely steep.

What I have learned though is that the people of Bedlington want to be kept up to date with what is happening in their community. Through our blogs, Bill Crosby, Malcolm Robinson and I have endeavoured to make sure we have done just that.  However not everyone has, or wants, access to web sites or social media. With that in mind I will be leafleting all Bedlington Central households in the Spring with an update.

I have also learned that the issues we raised during campaigning – poor road infrastructure, lack of social, leisure and health facilities, school places and ongoing housing development are issues that matter to Bedlingtonians.  I am also increasingly aware of residents’ desire to tackle road safety issues in the town, particularly speeding.  It is in these areas I will be trying my absolute best in 2018 to facilitate improvement and as such, I will work with anyone and everyone I can to do so.

I am particularly pleased that NCC have agreed to look at the congestion at the Red Lion roundabout. Clearly some things cannot be changed but, as many residents have already indicated through their specific suggestions, it can be made better.  I am also delighted that the subway is to be closed as it is a real health risk. My thanks to Cllrs Adam Hogg and Jim Tyler and to West Bedlington Town Council for their support over this.

Looking back over 2017 the town has much to be proud of – Bedlington Live, the Picnic, the various events in the Front Street, Remembrance Day, the Halloween Disco, the Christmas Panto, the Carol Service in the Market Place, the resurgence of Gallagher Park and of course the contribution our two Community Centres make to the town.  These events do not happen without much ‘behind the scenes’ work taking place.  Much is down to individual effort but the support of our two Local Councils is crucial to these successes and on behalf of all Bedlingtonians, our thanks to them – they are unpaid and do what they do for the love of our town.  As Councillor for Bedlington Central I have particularly enjoyed working with West Bedlington Town Council – they really do an outstanding job!

Can I close by firstly thanking the 927 Bedlington Central residents who voted for me in May and for the support so many Bedlingtonians have given to me since then.  I am proud and honoured to be your County Councillor and the one promise I can make is that I will work flat out through 2018 and beyond to represent you to the best of my ability.

Best wishes for 2018












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