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Bedlington Station railway crossing

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cracking snap. just shows how much the area has changed.

and we really could do with a foot bridge being put back in, but that has notihng to do with the counceil, but Network Rail.

its amusing to was the kids from the high school try and beat the barrier 9 times out of 10 the barrier gets them lol



Forget sanitised Beamish, this is what the North East was really like: soot, coal dust and horse manure. Brilliant! :)



i agree Beamish is far to clean, although Depends who you get working on the engines.

Come to Tanfield, proper Grubby Industrial place, thats never really changed since coal borad days.

big cahoonies


I remember standing on the bridge and getting covered in smoke we thought it was great.



standing on the bridge and pretending to be Charlie Chan walking out of the fog when the train went under, now that was fun!!



I remember me and my friend heading for the wallaw picture house one Friday night and using the footbridge over the railway line. My friend slipped down the steps from the top to the bottom as there was ice on the steps and she  broke her arm. We spent the evening in the doctors surgery at the street behind moskys cafe waiting for the duty doctor to come. Oh happy days.

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