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St Bede's 1963

Posted on Facebook - Bygone Bedlington - by Anne Elliott (née Nelson).

Names supplied from the memory of Anne & Margaret Middlemiss (née mills).

From the album:

St. Bede's Primary & Senior School

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No.4 is brendan doyle.

No.6 is robert burns.No .35  janine stewart.?

No.14  angela cramer.?



No.4 is brendan doyle.

No.6 is robert burns.No .35  janine stewart.?

No.14  angela cramer.?

No.22  eileen fraser?

No.15  denise robertson?


Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)


jimmcglen - name update.

Grace, on the Bedlington Remembered Facebook site says No 26 could be her sister - Jackie Fitzgibbon. 

1963 Anne Elliott Bygone Bedlington named.jpg

Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)


Grace now says number 26 is not her sister Jackie, it's her sister Alice.

No 20, according to Isobel Jones on Bygone Bedlington, is not Elizabeth Ord it's Marie Konispeck.

1963 Anne Elliott Bygone Bedlington named.jpg



I think number three is Laurence Smith

stachu swatek was also in that year but I cant pick him out

One of the other lads in that years dad had the car sales garage at the Station its now the Spar shop,  again  I forget his name

Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)


I could have this totally wrong  @moe19 but I my memory says my mate, Alex Third, who went to St. Bede's once introduced me (about 1965-66) to a lad nicknamed Stash, about the same age as us ( 17 in 1965) and he was built like the  'Brick Shit House', compared to us. I'm sure Alex said he was heavily into weight training - they are No 3 & 4 in the c1953 class photo in this album.  No 1 added @moe19 + Teresa Nicholson, Facebook Bedlington Remembered commented :- 'Think number 9 is Terry Nicholson, number 1 Sam Kidd? Number 11 John O Neil?'

1963 Anne Elliott Bygone Bedlington named.jpg



I knew a lad called Stan who had the nickname Stash, he was in to body building and weight lifting, he went to work for the old Newcastle Breweries and used to move hogs-heads and barrels like they were made of cotton wool.

He ended up in later life living in Morpeth and was well known, people often refered to him as the gentle giant as he was a right canny lad .

I have not seen him around lately so hope he is still going.       



9 hours ago, moe19 said:

I knew a lad called Stan who had the nickname Stash, he was in to body building and weight lifting, he went to work for the old Newcastle Breweries and used to move hogs-heads and barrels like they were made of cotton wool.

He ended up in later life living in Morpeth and was well known, people often refered to him as the gentle giant as he was a right canny lad .

I have not seen him around lately so hope he is still going.       

I remember Stash too, moe. Posted about him here - 

Doesn't, or didn't someone with a similar surname live in Hazelmere Avenue, in the first block on the right as you turn in from opposite the Ridge Farm (now Co-op)? 

Asma Begum Chowdhury


I want to know there are any events or schools fairs going on bedlington area because I am making  jewellery and selling scarves 

Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)


1 hour ago, Asma Begum Chowdhury said:

I want to know there are any events or schools fairs going on bedlington area because I am making  jewellery and selling scarves 

@Asma Begum Chowdhury- you need to be checking the 'Events' section to see what is going on - you won't find anything in the 'Gallery' 




Aye a think he did live in that street, a havint seen him for a lang time a hope he is still gannin :beer:

Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)


Nos 3, 10, 13, 19 & 24 named - Nos 27 & 36 christian names added

1963 Anne Elliott Bygone Bedlington named.jpg

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