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St. Bede's Primary & Senior School

· 34 images
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Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)


Found this in a post that Keith had created back in 2012. It was posted with the comment :-  on Friends Reunited was this photo. Now me and my bro recognise some of the people and therein lies the confusion. The photo is of St Benet Biscops on a trip to Ford Castle in 1968. But some of the people we have recognised weren't at that school! Can anyone help put names to faces. - Keith never got any response to his query back in 2012.

Posted the photo on Facebook, Bedlington remembered, and Anne Haig-Ferguson  commente - I posted this on friends reunited way back........ and then Anne named  quite a few and said it was just St Benet Biscops pupils.

Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)


No 31, not 32, is John Krzyzanowski and he has added some more names. He has also confirmed that they are all St Benet Biscops pupils - years 4 & 5.

1968 - Ford Castle named.jpg

Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)


Val Wilby, nee Coleman, has confirmed  No 12 is her and updated a few more :-  

1968 - Ford Castle named.jpg

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