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West End Junior school - Ridge Terrace

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Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)


Photo from Mary Wade's book - To The Miner Born. 

Comments from the Bygone Bedlington group :- 


Having had a close scrutiny I think no 8 is my mother Beatrice Eddy.
As we don't have any photos of her as a child this is wonderful. Going off family information describing my mother I am pretty certain. She was well nourished with a widows peak, very black hair and high cheek bones.
Lily Swann was my mam number 4 in the photo

The photo is also in Evan Martin's book - The People's History Bedlingtonshire Remembered with some names but none of the names are matched up with a pupil. The list of names = Back & Middle Row includes Elsie McAuley, Edna Barnes, Bob Morris, Lily Swann, Edna Richardson, Beatrice Eddy, Phyllis Willis, Bella Docherty, Frances Bohills, Violet Martin. Front Row includes - Margaret & Elsie Brown, John Hobson, Mary Bohills and Snowdon Orange. 

1923 Mary Wade named.jpg

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