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Whitley Memorial school

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Whitley Memorial School

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The only posting I can find of this image is the one posted 14th October 2015 by Debbie Haldon‎ on the Bedlington remembered Facebook group. I thought I had seen it on another site (even this one) but I can't find it anywhere else.

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I went to the Whitley from 1963 to 1967. That picture is of the first classroom I was in. I think the teacher was Miss Payne. I still have a prize that I won for ( believe it or not ) Scripture from when I was in Matty Hall's class. I wanted a book on farming but they couldn't get one. The Seasons and the Gardener by H. E. Bates is what I got. its still in good nick and has the award sticker inside signed by Fred Hostler.


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Heh heh!

Snap! Aa started there in aroond 1951-2..ish,from the infants school.

When a was aboot eleven years aad,a won a book prize,[the one and only one I ever won!],for what we caaled Scripture,[then Religious instruction,later changed to Religious Education..]

The prize-giving day was at the old Locke Hall,doon Bedlington main street above the store drapery dept.

Me book was called.."The Quest of the Bellamy Jewels",set in the London Docklands,and was a children's crime thriller.

Coming from a mining stock,with not a very sparkling education,I couldn't understand half of what it was on aboot,except that the Engineer on board the "Tilbury Pride" ship,was a big Tynesider called Tubby Fenner!!,[he used ti taak Geordie ti the Cap'n....so a understood that,but wat thi hell was a Chronometer?........!!!]

Aa still hae thi book,wi thi paper cover over the hard back and front,and have read it a few times over the years,a gud interesting book,but far too advanced

for kids like aa was at thi time.!!

Me cousin Michael,lived in London,and when he came up on holidays,ti stay wi us,he used ti try and educate us kids aboot different things...mind,HE knew nowt

aboot  gaan doon thi woods,playing wi catapults,conkers,sheath knives,and northern kids' games!,so he used ti love coming up ti stay.

A think aal google the book noo we  are on the subject!!

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A realised after a logged off it was a book caaled "Pirate Sealer" wat a got for Xmas the same year,where Tubby Fenner was the character,and NOT  Quest of the Bellamy Jewels![not that it matters ti any bugga like....just for correctness!!

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