The closure of the Netherdale Venue in late 2007 prompted a lively debate at a Bedlington Forum meeting which led to the creation of a steering group made up of community members, school representatives, sporting representatives and county council officers to see if anything could be done to address the issue of dwindling community facilities in Bedlington. A brief was assembled and a bid was submitted by Bedlington Forum to Go Wansbeck for funding to enable a consultant to produce the required first step, a feasibility study.
The study is now set to evaluate the case for development on the site of Meadowdale County Middle School for an all weather flood lit football pitch with community and other sports facilities attached, as well as other potential facilities at Gallagher Park. Consultants Knight Kavanagh & Page will be carrying out the study and completion is expected early in the new year. The conclusion of the report will outline once and for all the facilities Bedlington can hope to obtain and support on a long term basis as well as plans to move the process forward.
Chairman of the steering group Mr Brian Oliver said," Whilst there were originally two very clear groups each promoting their own vision, we are now working very closely together to make sure we get a result for the Town, who knows what might come from this independent completed study".
Steering group community member Mr Malcolm Robinson said, "With the future of the current community centre in Bedlington being far from assured, we really have to have a successful conclusion and this report should point us in an achievable direction. There has been a lot of hard work just to get this far, taking almost two years, but we would not have come as far as we have without the help of Wansbeck CVS, Karen McLean the Regeneration Officer for Northumberland County Council and of course our sponsor Go Wansbeck".
The study comes at a critical time for Bedlington with community facilities under serious threat and further question marks looming over the future of Bedlington's libraries.
Bedlington.co.uk members have been discussing the news of the potential closures this week. Angejohnson said: "I feel strongly that people should be objecting on principle to losing resources such as community centres and libraries. As someone has pointed out maybe the CC is not the best run and if this was improved it would be much more of a hub for community activities."
Do you think the community centre has a future? What do you want to see new community facilities in the town offer? Have your say in the Community Forums or leave your comments below.