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Plans Submitted for Micro Pub in Bedlington


Plans have been submitted for change of use to a Micro Pub at 40c Front Street West Bedlington. 

The applicant has existing businesses at The Office in Morpeth and The Foxes Den in Felton, which have proven extremely popular with local residents. The Office was recently awarded Northumberland Pub of the Year by The Campaign for Real Ale. They now intend to open a similar venue in Bedlington.

The proposal comes after other licensed premises in Bedlington have received criticism due to recent incidents of vandalism in the town centre during the early hours of the morning.

Within the application the proposal is to;


serve local real ales as well as a limited number of other beverages. The pub will provide an opportunity for friends to gather and socialise over a quiet drink. No music or TV shall be played so the noise disruption will be minimal. The opening hours will be from 5.00pm until 11.00pm seven days a week with all customers encouraged to be respectful of neighbouring properties when leaving the premises.

The micro pub which is set to be named The Boxwood Tap joins proposals for a boutique hotel at Laird’s House at the top of the main street.

Bedlington.co.uk contacted The Boxwood Tap for comment and they say this news story accurately represents the position to date.

View the planning application documents on the Northumberland County Council website.

Let us know what you think in the comments below.

https:::publicaccess.northumberland.gov.uk:online-applications:files:2F27BBE171306ADE77272F218663B5FF:pdf:17_02106_FUL-PROPOSED… 2017-06-26 11-18-06.png

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Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)


Would this, Real Ales and dog friendly, be real competition for JD Wetherspoon - The Red Lion? 

Is the Red Lion dog friendly?


Andy Millne


Only registered assistance dogs are allowed in Wetherspoons.



Just found out about these proposals. As real ale fans my husband and I are looking forward to visiting the pub. We have lived in Bedlington for a couple of years and we think it is a great town with lots of potential. We look forward to more improvements to th town over the coming months.

Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)


7 hours ago, Frogmela said:

Just found out about these proposals. As real ale fans my husband and I are looking forward to visiting the pub. We have lived in Bedlington for a couple of years and we think it is a great town with lots of potential. We look forward to more improvements to th town over the coming months.

They have a Facebook page @Frogmela   but the link can't be embedded into this posting because there is 'no-status' at the URL https://www.facebook.com/pg/TheBoxWoodTap/photos/?tab=album&album_id=371965029866578 - and tha's not me saying that bit's what the system said when I copied the link into this comment!


The Boxwood Tap2.jpg

The Boxwood Tap.jpg

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