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WBTC Youth Voice.

Malcolm Robinson

West Bedlington Town Council have always been keen to listen to resident views and as part of that interaction decided to set up a Youth Council so the views, hopes and aspirations of our younger community members could also be given a voice.

Commissioning Leading Link to facilitate this new improvement in community interaction the Mayor and Deputy Mayor have been working closely with the younger members of this new group and both agree what a fantastic bunch of youngsters we have here! 

One of the first real tasks was to get them to produce lists of their wants and needs as far as developing the Town goes.  Not only did we get lists off them personally they also petitioned all of their schools too, so now we have a very in depth directory based on popularity of choice. 


WBTC is pleased to welcome this new addition to our representative process and we are looking forward to the presentation they will be giving us on February 9th, 4.30-6.00pm at Bedlington Community Centre. 

We welcome any adults keen to see what our children would like to show us!

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A great picture.

No mention of a political party people working together with the next generation citizens.

Canny lass


Fantastic show of initiative!

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