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About esme

  • Birthday 08/08/1964

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  • Location
    west coast of scotland
  1. Thank you all for your good wishes. I had a fun time in New York - just back yesterday!Very tired and very very skint
  2. I'm sure it could be renovated and put to good use in some way Micky. It is awful to see such an iconic building falling derelict. I went to the same school many moons ago and I have some very fond memories.
  4. Jack Frost
  5. orange
  6. bite
  7. esme

    Jade Goody

    I hope any investigations are promptly carried out as well Cympil. This seems to be a really sad situation. However, I think it would be fair to acknowledge that this is a complex case involving information that the general public are not privvy to. Jade has had plenty to say and is freely allowed to give her side of the story. The medical profession are not and are bound by confidentiality clauses.
  8. Delia Smith
  9. esme

    Jade Goody

    The scans and tests wouldn't necessarily show up cervical cancer - the 'gold standard' in detecting cervical cancer cells is to have regular smears. I was just wondering whether Jade might have defaulted from the smear programme (it happens all too often, believe me) given her hectic work/social life in which case any negligence would be her own. If there is any medical negligence then it should be plainly clear in her medical records (as would any collusion between the medical profession)
  10. hair cut
  11. esme

    Jade Goody

    .........................which begs the question - did Jade ever have a smear test done in the 4 years she had symptoms? Women aged 25 - 49yrs should be having a smear test every 3 yrs. Women are sent out a reminder each time it is due but it is up to the individual to attend their GP/clinic for the test. Medical negligence??? We can debate until the cows come home but without her medical notes I don't think it is worth considering. ..............although MacMillan Grants are helpful when faced with financial hardship, they are a mere drop in the ocean in comparison to what Jade is earning just now.
  12. Glue
  13. Smoke signal
  14. Pacman
  15. Call
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