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Everything posted by TokyoGirl

  1. This was a typo, I meant kilos. I totally forgot about coming in to check out what everybody has been talking about, was pleasantly surprised to see many new posts to read through. What happening to all the pubs??????? Mind you can anyone get to them in all the snow anyway??
  2. happy birthday I hope the hospital experience is a good one
  3. Hi Joe thank you for you kind words. My little girl entered the world on July 22nd her name is Moe (Moet) Luna and she was a lovely healthy weight of 3359kg and shes still doing well! I am not, it was a 3 day labour which ended in an emergency C section. I then got an infection in the wound and the doctors opened the first layer of the c section wound, I have had an open wound since then, they dont want to sew it up because of fears of contracting another infection. So it closing slowly by itself, its going to be months before Im back to normal and then after its healed I will have to go under the knife again for cosmetic surgery. One thing I have learned is babies are the best pain killer in the world! xxx
  4. Happy birthday!!!!!!!!!
  5. Happy Birthday Ms Hair!!!!! We share our birthday once again!!! The difference is this year Im 30 today and over 40 weeks pregnant! This has thrown the spanner in the works for some festivities as I thought she would have came by now, no such luck. So looks like baby wont be shareing our birthday MS Hair! Have a great day!
  6. I love my mac, when it works!!!!! The opperating system is better than windows (I personally feel), but the hardware is terrible. My 3 year old i mac has taken to shutting down randomly by itself!!!!! And thats not to mention the 3 fried hard drives, the last being replaced by myself rather than sending it to the shop to be fixed. Im still a mac lover but now I have a windows lap top as well so I dont need to rely on the mac. All good...has anyone else seen this on the grapevine?
  7. Well a shout box may have attracted more people, but it would run the risk of never having anyone in it, there is nothing worse than an empty chatroom....boring
  8. You guys felt a little one, Japan has huge ones and recently I was in Bali and felt a massive one, very scary.
  9. Well I dont need a whole new head thats for sure :lol:
  10. I really want a nose job, have been thinking that way for ages. Dont know if I would do it unless money was no object, after all there are so many other things to spend money on. Its different for everyone, and I think everyone feels different about trying it out.
  11. My goodness who kicked your dog????? I had to re read this entire post trying to work it out?????
  12. Why is it dirty?
  13. Im not sure what this means??????? :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh:
  14. Happy new year from Tokyo.......keep warm over there in blighty!!
  15. Happy Birthday
  16. Happy Birthday!!!!!!
  17. Happy birthday.
  18. Thats the one, its makes a loud thwacking noise when it hits.
  19. Across from my establishment is a Mr Miagi, he has Bonsai all over, they are really strong he leaves them out all seasons. He is an ex policeman and he often throws a shinai around in his garage. I have seen one bonsai that is insanely old, I do wonder how they keep them, my two attempts failed.
  20. Yeah the tech stuff is pretty cool for the first couple of years, but you only need so much.....family lasts longer than some new headphones or .........
  21. I love Christmas. Spending time away in another land during holiday season really sucks. Christmas is a time you can see everyone and enjoy what you have. Its approaching fast.
  22. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!
  23. Back on track people!!!!!! Three girls named Samantha, Janet and Rebecca were driving through the country, when all of a sudden their car stalls. Samantha remembers seeing a farm a little ways back, so her and Janet walk to the farm, leaving Rebecca guarding the car. When Samantha and Janet get to the farm, they tell the farmer what happened. The farmer raises a gun to their head and tells them to get a fruit, vegetable, whatever, just get something from the garden. Samantha grabs a turnip, and Janet grabs a single grape. Just as they come back into the farmer's house, Rebecca walks in. He tells Rebecca to do the same as they just did, and Rebecca heads off towards the garden. While she's out in the garden, the farmer tells Samantha and Janet to shove whatever they have up their ass, and who ever laughs, dies. Samantha laughs first, so the farmer shoots her. Then Janet laughs and she gets killed too. So they are floating out of their bodies, and Janet asks Samantha why she died. Samantha said that the thought of sticking a turnip up your ass was just too funny. Samantha then asked Janet why she laughed, Janet said: "I saw Rebecca coming around the corner with a watermelon!" Sorry maybe a little dirty.
  24. how does having a trademark that everyone understands make you a !*!@# ? Trade mark symbol is TM Monster I really wonder sometimes you say some really intelligent stuff then you go and say something that makes me wonder what the hell you were doing when you wrote it.
  25. Same for me, changes really easily.
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