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Posts posted by mickypotts

  1. Well said Symptoms,

    I only wonder how political correctness could cloak any well thought out designs if any councils or the like are involved, I just thought that if the Miners still around with us and their kin were centered around the ultimate design concept it would give tribute to them as well as those unsung thoasands who are not.

    The Market cross is a revered part of our town and so should this memorial be.

    ps. dont understand LR,s point wanting to bury and forget history for those who lived it.....

  2. How about about every Pub from the Station up te Netherton gets involved and a Lottery is set up to raise funds, there would be a winner of course who maybe could dedicate a brass plaque memorial and the bar that raises the most could have the plaque inside on the wall so it would be safe. business for that bar should increase due to people wanting to see it.

    Just an idea

  3. It is good to see the interest this new topic has garnered and my condolences to all who have lost someone dear to them, all of the war memorials in every town on Earth and not one is standing in all of the mining villages to say a kind word about the poor buggers who gave their all for the pits............

  4. The Boss teachers in the lake district trips were Mr Cook the gym teacher and Mrs. Cook the cooking teacher, one year Mr. Cook got caught by the wife with Ms. Ramsey the Asst. gym teacher and a cold cold wind set in real quick like!!

  5. The 2 Swine that bombed Boston recently in the so called name of Allah turns out that the older one was a murdering drug dealer way before the marathon event occured, so the 2 in woolich may be of the same Ilk using religon to cause mayhem, shame that the cops were not able to send them back to Allah

  6. Does anyone know if the secret base at Hartford is still there??? I was all over the woods down there as a Bairn but dont recall any underground structures.

    What I think was the mechanics institute behind the Sun Inn was a private clubhouse for our gang, lots of old billiard tables and an entrance only we knew of,

    In the cellar was a tunnel of some kind that seemed to go under the Sun Inn and the road, it was stone lined and I cant remember anyone going to where it ended, anyone else out there that may know???

  7. Thank you all for the very kind Birthday wishes, I was on a trout fishing trip in West Virginia for my birthday weekend and I,m trying to put a picture from the trip as my profile pic but my age must be showing and I am lost in cyberspace once more, any help will be appreciated, when I click on the folder the pic is in it tries to load the whole folder before I can choose the pic!!!

    Thank you all once more



  8. Well with google street view I see that there are now 3 houses standing where the playing field was from the church down to Towers close, if you go between the 2 houses on Church road until you hit the tree line in the back yard that is where the gravestone was, there was a stone wall then a small field and then the vicarage, the ground was probably undisturbed when they built the houses since it was in the back

  9. I can clearly remember when I was at the infants school next to the church we would have play time in the field past the graveyard on church road,

    about 3/4 of the way down the wall on the back of the field was a small stone marker close up to the wall and we were always told by the teachers that it was the vicars horse buried there, anyone else recall this?

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