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johndawsonjune1955 last won the day on January 2 2020

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    local history.

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  1. No 2 is Harry Brown. No 3 is Harry Temple and he is the father of No 10 John Temple. No 2 Harry Brown is no 10 john Temple father in law. Harry Temple was No 3 was married Sadie... My wife's family. John Temple is married to Ann Brown, my wife's aunt, no 2 Harry Brown is Ann's father. My wifes mother the late Maureen was Ann's sister and the oldest sister is Betty who is married to Jeff Gobin who is a councilor and was an NUM official.
  2. Got memoirs but in my archives and in the loft now. Can't get in to ill health, but will see if i can get someone to get them out may take some time sadly.
  3. Think i posted the full story ?
  4. Now theres an old name from the past. I got a few Muters old bottles in the shed. Super condition too.
  5. nice little topic this. heres an interesting scan from the Bedlington Infants School Records deom 1914. Any of your family names in this scan ? BEDLINGTON VILLAGE INFANTS SCHOOL RECORDS FOR 1914.bmp
  6. rev a lees curate circa 1885
  7. Also got "To the Miner Born" by Mary Wade. All about Bedlington in days long gone. Superb it is.
  8. HPW, is that by Linda McCullough Thew ? if it is its cracking book.
  9. a contact of mine, maurice dawson, no relation, involved with mining lamps, is waiting to see about getting bedlington rails from a place in durham. he is going to pass them on to the group. let you know when he has passed them on to us. he is a mass of information on mining lamps and brings out a little pamphlet monthly. i got some here id anyone is wanting to borrow them. must be returned tho. some interesting local bits in too.
  10. dunno id bil;l jordon is alive today ? cracking fellow and used to see a lot of him when he walked his bedlington terrier and had five crack with him.
  11. Rev A Lees, curate of Bedlington 1885.
  12. final one 1873
  13. Another 1873.
  14. Just found these plans from 1873. Will keep looking try and build a picture on this topic together. Queen Annes Bounty Mortgage for Bedlington Vicarage is the title. 1873
  15. I have a book on the church and vicarage somewhere. Will have a look, it is so interesting.
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