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Everything posted by EwokTopLad

  1. Its been a while since i posted on here but i knew the rumour mill would be kicking in so im setting the record straight. To stop all of this second guessing and gossip, It was one of my best mates Matthew Young who tragically passed away on sunday afternoon. NOONE KNOWS WHY YET! STOP POSTING YOUR VARIOUS THEORIES! Rant over. He will be missed by all who knew him. CK if you read this give me a ring mate.
  2. A few may already know but Matty Young, a much loved member of Bedlington and an all round legend to those who knew him, tragically died on Sunday afternoon. He will be sorely missed and remembered always.
  3. Buzzcocks Video Diary Some bloke from Crammy gannin on like a charva. Think it may be an act, but with Crammy, the home of Darkbase Raves and all that, i cant be sure........................
  4. Or "Thrillhouse" as his computer game tag is when playing Bonestorm.............
  5. EwokTopLad


    The Rusty Sheriffs Badge The Thick Repeater Gawd bless The VIZ!
  6. Heavy........
  7. Simian Mobile Disco float my boat at the minute. And the Nu-Rave madness of the Klaxons/Shitdisco/CSS/New Young Pony Club Check them out scenesters! Oh and Oasis
  8. Reading this borad is getting a like tuning into an episode of Celebrity Big Brother. Bitchy as hell!
  9. fo' shizzle
  10. Too right they are! Went in after work on friday for a quick pint to alleviate the workplace blues and some women was busy handing over 125 sheets to some gorilla in a fluorescent site vest to unclamp her motor. Went in yesterday to play pool and my mate was given a "Sun Inn Visitor" laminate card to put in his car window. Surely an advert for the 5-0 to pull people over after leaving the pub??? Its a licence to print money, you couldn't make it up!
  11. Just to bring this back up, amazing live as i saw last night. Even made the Arena seem like a good venue.
  12. not this intellegent you tube
  13. Missed those, can easily picture it though!
  14. I will hav yee knaa i got a propa edjukashun at bennys! i can use propa fancy-dan wards n'all!
  15. At least you didnt have to postpone it for having a black eye and a burnt hoop like someone i know........
  16. Yup, nice bit of luck that, will look the mutts over my mantlepiece.
  17. Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia? All sounds a bit Aztec to me.............
  18. As do i. Denzel is correct however as the second album seems to have found them lost in a quagmire of self parody. First album is boss though.
  19. Did he lure you back to the sunken bath of pleasure? The scene of many a depraved act.......
  20. One word. Genius.
  21. Nope, but i do have "On a Ragga Tip" by SL2 and "Far Out" by Sonz of a Loop da Loop Era. Early 90's classics!
  22. Neither would I! Im amazed that Bedlington dosent have many follicularly challenged as it is! Follicularly challenged children that is
  23. Aahhhh, Wikpedia. The answer to all lifes little problems from the politcal system in Ming Dynasty China, to how fast Han Solo completed the Kessel run in Star Wars.
  24. Still dunno what it means.................
  25. Local band Kid:Coda (Si Scott and Nicky Hall from Bedlington, formally called Kapithal A) are having there Album launch at Windows Arcade on the 28th of September. Free Promos and entry to Stonelove at the Carling Academy afterwards. See attached pic for details. Check out their MySpace for some choons! Their good and not just saying it cos they are my mates! Hope to see y'all there.
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