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pennylane909 last won the day on August 30 2023

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About pennylane909

  • Birthday 21/08/1985

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    Rock and roll

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  1. Thanks everyone, I’ve since moved from the street now. But good to finally know all the same 😅
  2. hi! haha i am yes! We can but i think we might be the only ones joining in!
  3. I used to frequent Dennis' and the paper shop for my weekly Beano and 10p mix up when i was a kid (80s and early 90s) I used to often go to the butchers and wool shop with my old dear too. It was a shock when i walked round there for the first time in years, not too long ago, to see most of the shops had completley gone. It also made me think just how small the shops were because the patch of grass that has replaced it is TINY
  4. That sounds brilliant. I was clearly born in the wrong decade
  5. Oooh. Where is your garage? Thanks I'll ask Bernicia
  6. haha well this crossed my mind
  7. Hullo, Wondering if anyone can help. There is an abandoned stand alone garage in Lambton Court (Bower Grange). My partner has just got a motorbike and we are looking to rent the garage out (as we don't have a shed big enough and it's currently sitting in my kitchen!) We've asked around the entire street and cul de sac and no one knows who it belongs to, only that it hasn't been used for a very long time. One person thought it had been abandoned by someone who left the estate more than six years ago We've contacted the council and land registry and they have no clue who it belongs to Is there anyone else we can ask about this?
  8. Hi everyone. Sadly, due to a lack of funding and a lack of decent working equipment, our karaoke night at the Black Bull will not be continuing. We are looking to start a quiz night, probably on a week night, in the upcoming weeks Watch this space for details! In the meantime, if anyone knows anyone who have their own PA system and karaoke gear and would like to do the Karaoke nights at the Black Bull, please contact Dan or Jimmy on 01670 459622 Thanks to everyone who came along for our three week trial, we had a great time!! Love Gem and Bex
  9. It all starts again tonight! Tell a friend.... or five
  10. It was delightful and thank you kindly for coming along to support Fun starts again tonight from 8pm folks!
  11. haha all singers and none singers welcome! I'm yet to hear your lovely singing voice mercuryg!
  12. haha thanks mercuryg! Come gather round people where ever you roam! It will be great fun and nice to try and put the black bull back on the map
  13. Hi everyone, Starting Friday 7th March, Me and my friend will be launching a brand new Karaoke night at the Black Bull Bedlington Cheap drinks and good entertainment from 8pm! You can like our page here https://www.facebook.com/gemandbexblackbull?ref=stream Spread the word!!!
  14. Yeah think the damnage was just upstairs Must have caught it on time, thankfully
  15. Just heard it was a kitchen fire and no one seriously hurt
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