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Everything posted by threegee

  1. = Contains Christmas Greetings Probably the other thing too!
  2. Bah, Humbug! God bless you all, said Tiny Tim! Merry Christmas to all bedlington.co.uk members, wherever you are, from threegee and family! .
  3. Yup, it was clearly wrong of me to respond to Mr D by editing the thread title. When someone is so badly in need of "help" I mean!
  4. Very observant, but it actually says -2 new messages. Which probably means that two people were going to message him, but changed their mind for some reason! Actually it means that his message counter needs resetting, which should happen when someone bothers to send him one or two.
  5. Someone might advise them that using a copyright symbol without a truthful year butted against it no protection whatsoever. Copyright does not last for ever.
  6. That's because it needs a moderator! But, in the absence of any offers...
  7. The pros say: ========== If it's spam you want to prevent then that would be a waste of time. The overwhelming probability is that the e-mail header is forged and the stated e-mail address does not exist. What's more the spammers are most likely using someone else's domain name in the e-mail address, and it didn't come from that quite innocent source anyway! So it's quite pointless complaining there and taking measures against innocent parties. The best way to handle spam is to be very aware that every time you quote your e-mail address somewhere it might be sold. Have a throw-away address with one of the webmail services for filling in forms on sites you don't trust, and only provide your regular e-mail address to people you implicitly trust. In particular never display it on websites or public boards; it will surely be spidered many many times. That's why we have a Personal Messaging (PM) system here. If you are running a business, where spam costs money, then please PM me and I can help you further. Our company has several ways to help you form an anti-spam policy, and even to police your suppliers who are selling their mailing lists.
  8. The short answer is no! Go find out the difference between a security camera and a lowish res fixed webcam. If you can identify individuals from a 320 * 240 pixel cam with a fixed lense at 100 meters then hundreds of security firms want to hear from you. Is there anything at all you are for monsta?
  9. We're looking into the possibility of installing several Bedlington webcams on main road situations. If you have an elevated site near one of the Town's main roads and a nearby broadband connection you'd share then we will provide and set up the hardware free. It's a long-term project so its only of interest if we can keep the connection live 24/7/365 for at least two years. The hardware contains it's own webserver so it doesn't require a computer to be on, or any computer at all. It does require to share a decent broadband connection though. PM me if you'd like to help, and with any questions - Thanks.
  10. There's nothing inconsistent about Merlin's position. The PC here confuse immigration with asylum, just like they get confused about many other pretty straightforward things. Of course he shouldn't be kicked out, if only for the pragmatic reason that he's an asset to OUR country. If you say here that a small island can't throw its doors open to billions of economic migrants somehow that gets twisted to being an 'ism. Well... if that's the case over 90% of the silent majority in our country must be 'ismist. Those who have lived a little, have survived the PC indoctrination of lefties in our education system and media, and don't go around with their eyes shut, know differently. It's unfortunate that the extreme right in our country give this equally vocal minority of 'ismist branders a lot more credibility than they deserve. Joe's position is commendable, but it's through the rose-coloured glasses of his youth, and it's from a vast country that is well insulated from what's currently going on globally. It's not about compromise with some silly girl that wants attention at school - don' t they all?! It's about a complete takeover of our culture, moral standards, and standards of fairness and reason by retards that will have no truck with any of your 'ismist crap. If the PC get their way it will be too late for anyone! Paradoxically only the center right can save the PC elements in our country from the product of their own stupidity. And, like occasions in the past, you'd better bet that they will! Peace in our time was also a highly commendable lefty slogan until the cows came home.
  11. Yup, we know a song about all this - don't we children? Now what is the name of that Prodigy classic? There's another, Dusty Springfield one, from the film 'Scandal', widely rumoured to have been Mr P's favourite movie.
  12. Re your complaint about no one sending you validation e-mail(s) despite multiple tries at intervals. I'm afraid the problem is at your end and beyond our control. You probably need to check your spam filter. Your membership has been manually approved so you can use the facilities without responding to a validation email. In particular you can now use the PM system to contact admins, moderators, and other members. From long experience I'd suggest you try one of the free webmail services available on the Internet that is independent of BT. Change your e-mail address in your profile so that it points to the new e-mail service, so you can use the full facilities of Bedlington.co.uk. If you need further help please phone the telephone number e-mailed to you. I will repeat that info in your PM mailbox here in case you didn't get that either. Enjoy!
  13. Dear, dear, and such a well run place before the tragic, totally accidental, fire too! Does this mean they now have one, or are they collecting summonses? With your masters degrees in joke interpretation and theoretical computer science you're just toooo modest!
  14. Not maths; a much wider principal. Have you ever placed a mirror in front of another mirror? I'm sure Cympil will be able to explain to you.
  15. There's a St. John's church at Bedlington Station (although officially Bedlington Station no longer exists being all Bedlington these days). The church is the large building near center of this photo: http://www.multimap.com/maps/#t=l&map=....66811:14.39069 If there was a graveyard it has been long since built over. Hope this helps.
  16. That would involve posting more than one line silly! But maybe - like the dictionary entry for recursion (see recursion) - they just say: "See monsta's thread on www.bedlington.co.uk"?
  17. This is what is commonly known as BanK Top. http://www.multimap.com/maps/#t=l&map=....67604:19.83991 If you tun on the Hybrid view and move your cursor near center there's a little road that joins between what is now marked as Furnace Bank and Stead Lane - hidden by trees/vegetation in the aerial view here. It's actually *very* steep and is not in use these days. In the old days I think that junction would have been the precise point of Bank Top. Zoom out and you'll see how it relates to the S.E. Northumberland Spine Road, i.e. the motorway running from top to bottom. I've seen pictures of the old Bank Top (houses now on Stead Lane/River View) somewhere on the site, but they escape me at the moment. Use the search on things like Iron Works. But that bit of our heritage has been periodically vandalised by the local authority, and so nothing much remains. Hope you find everything you are searching for.
  18. I assume you mean the Vicarage. -- It's 829220. Area Code 01670 of course.
  19. This is so true! It's impossible to say why. But it is possible to say that it's all despite WDC, and it's despite the Uniform Business Rate too. I suppose the UBR is recognition - from the top (of either party) - that if it was up to WDC to set the rate there'd be even less commerce; so it's probably a small mercy. Nevertheless it's unfair that a shop on Front Street should be assessed on the same scale as some twee SE town that has umpteen times the disposable income per head. I'm involved in an English language support website for a modest town in a "poor" part of southern Europe. The population is about on par with Bedlington, and it's about the same distance as Bedlington is from both a major population center and its regional airport. It also has almost exactly the same competing forces as Bedlington does from rival towns, and about equally central between them. It has also been bypassed North/South on the East side, a'la spine road. Now to the differences: the average local income per head is perhaps less than half what it is in Bedders. The locals think that every single Brit is incredibly wealthy. In fact they know this because they have no reservations about asking them what they earn. On the other hand not just the center of this town, but the outskirts too are far more commercially active. There must be at least 200-300 shops and small family business around the town, and that's only what you see at first hand. The shops aren't just poky holes either, but well stocked with quality goods, and there are people in them - often very late into the evening! How do you square this? I'm still not entirely sure, but there are several factors at work, and not a lot of it is tourism because the town is even more alive in winter. What is certain is that the people on the local council are often the same families that are running many of the businesses. They are directly accountable, and have control of the local administration and town police. People tend to vote for people they know, and not blindly for some dumb ideology that their parents always voted for. Yup, there's nepotism, and you need to know the right people or someone who knows the right people, or you can wait a long time to get things done. But no one gets too excited about this because the system mostly works for the general good, and the whole place looks like it is going somewhere. It has even managed to pull enough strings to get "city" status. Then, I traverse the main street in Bedlington; the only main street in Bedlington! Do I need to say more?
  20. Don't worry about this, it will never last! WDC I mean!
  21. The great thing about the Internet is that it's extremely good at recycling. This one was first seen around 1996/7, and the text has only been toned down very slightly since! Maybe we should get our finger out and restore the old Bedlington BB archives. Though they are still currently viewable on the way-back machine - I'm told. Excuse me if I don't follow that one up just at the moment, on account of the likely cringe-worthy comments from YT that will surely come to light.
  22. So what phone do you own, and is it the one you really want? It would also be amusing if you said which make/model you wouldn't be seen dead with. I think this says even more about you than what you have or want to own. ------------------ I've had dozens, but there's only one I carry around today. It hasn't got the best camera, or the biggest screen, or is the smallest/slimmest, but it's by far the most practical and powerful phone I've ever had. Bought secondhand and a tiny bit beaten-up, because the guy who owned it thought it was too big; though it's nothing like as big as my previous smartphone. Bet you can't guess the make & model.
  23. 1382 X 1382 pixels isn't terribly big these days. Try to upload them as-is first. If it doesn't work tell me and I will look into any problems. The server software produces the thumbnails automatically so there's no need to do that either. I've bumped your storage space to 50MB so you won't run out of personal space. (Anyone else who is out of space only needs to PM a request for more).
  24. Not quite that simple, is it? You can use it as a proper name for someone, but you can't use it quite innocently in connection with a child's fantasy. How can anyone in their right mind believe that this teacher was "Inciting Hatred". If that is the case then this is a hateful religion that should be condemned by any thinking person. But, of course it isn't! It's a religion that is in an utter mess; one that doesn't know its a. from its e.! It's a religion that needs to get its act together, and it's certainly one that we shouldn't officially recognise in the country (and so consent to its hideously out-of-place palaces blotting our town and cityscapes) until it does. No, I don't think she did! I think she was the victim of an official in the school who could quite easily have stepped in when first aware of the matter. But, this person, for whatever reason, chose to escalate the matter, and exploit a highly exploitable situation to get rid of her. That's a hateful act in itself, and one no decent society would choose to disregard. I suppose you are going to defend the stoning of rape victims too, on the grounds that it's the law in thar parts, so we should respect it? Sorry if the mental leap involved in comparing apples with oranges in my last sentence was too big. Without the associated fruit comparing their flavours is pretty meaningless. BTW as you get older you'll realise that there's quite often a lot of horse sense in boozed up right-wing ranting; far more so than in indoctrinated down left-wing chanting.
  25. Sorry, but that just doesn't hack it. Not by any stretch of the imagination can this teacher be said to be inciting racial hatred. It's all about religion not race, and there's no form of hatred involved - period! OK, so you want to draw comparisons: A Muslim could carry a banner up Front Street saying that Christ was the Satan, we were all going to burn in hell, and he'd be lucky if anyone paid the slightest bit of attention. He could call his dog (hopefully female) The Virgin Mary; his cat Moses; his house The Ark of the Covenant; name his hens after the Apostles, and it would be lucky to make the local rag of a dull news-free day. Let's stop being apologists for sheer lunatics. Once again this illustrates that "The Multi-cultural Society" is an absurdity dreamed up by some overprivileged, brain-dead, lefties who never did an proper day's work (hello Mr Anthony Wedgwood-Ben). Such a barmy idea has never worked in any society in the whole of history, and if taken any further will do for ours! Britain alway has accepted foreigners, foreign ideas, and borrowed from foreign cultures. But it has done it on it's own terms, and its inhabitants have never before been told how they must think! We've know instinctively how to behave decently towards other races and cultures. Its about time it was spelt out to immigrants that you come here to fully integrate - and that includes our standards of religious tollerance - or you don't come at all!
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