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  1. Its good online, I find most single player games crap to be honest.
  2. jimmyboy

    Forza 3

    Its a good game, I'm about 80% through and its getting a bit repetitive now.
  3. jimmyboy

    Left 4 Dead 2

    The first one was quality, I'm gonna grab this.
  4. A bit? Its a dump.
  5. Verdi by a country mile followed by Moby Dicks.
  6. jimmyboy

    Gears Of War 2

    Any of you Xbox Live folk play Gears 2? Jim
  7. I'd give this an 8 and rate the best resident evil game so far for most things except being scary. The older ones used to scare the !*!@# out of me but this one lacks atmosphere.
  8. The latest rumour is that Weatherspoons have bought the Red Lion, which is strange after reading this thread.
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