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Everything posted by graeme

  1. 22 Clare Ferguson
  2. Back row second from left my Father in law John Ferguson
  3. graeme

    The Alley Cats

  4. graeme

    The Alley Cats

    ALLEY CATS (plus DJ), Saturday 12th march. Bedlington social club (market place club), raising funds for the Bedlington and Stakeford venture scouts!!! tickets £3!!! help us support our local youth!!
  5. graeme

    The Alley Cats

    Great night at the Market Tavern last night,absolutally chokka.If anyone on here was there thanks for coming.Our next gig is at the Marquis of Granby Sunniside 13th December
  6. The alley cats 50s rock and roll live band starts 9pm market Tavern Bedlington
  7. graeme

    The Alley Cats

    The Alley Cats are on at the Market Tavern this Saturday 5th December 9.00pm start.we play 50s rock and roll and always have a good night at the Tavern, great crowd,so if anybody wants a night of rock and roll Buddy Holly to jonny cash get your self down to the Tavern.Thanks Graeme (drummer)
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