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Posts posted by Theledge

  1. Why is everyone getting upset simply because a handful of people suggested that Accolade is expensive?

    As far as I've read, no one has said anything about there being no need for Accolade, or that it shouldn't be in Bedlington.

    Suggesting that businesses fail because certain people (non-customers in this case) find them expensive is absurd. The people who find places like Accolade expensive are obviously not the intended target audience of the business in the first place so what does it matter?

    Incidentally, I think the residents of Bedlington have a right to have the opinion that their town is down-trodden. If so many people think that the town is down-trodden – who knows, maybe it's because it is.

    But having the opinion that the town isn't up to much won't stop anyone using any of the businesses up the front street if their services are needed. Businesses fail because of their own mistakes – not because of the opinion local residents have of their town.


    I don't think much of the food served at the Ridge Farm but I certainly don't think that I'm better than anyone else who eats there. I've also eaten at a few expensive restaurants that haven't been nearly as nice as some smaller, cheaper restaurants, so forget the idea that more expensive food means better food.

    The fact that you mark people's intelligence on how much money they are willing to spend on a starter shows a distinct lack of it on your side.

    Let's just accept that everyone is different.


    Please stop putting words in my mouth.

    I never once mentioned the price of a starter being connected in any way to someone's intelligence. The intellectual level of the people on this forum can be clearly measured by the value and quality of their comments, not by how much they're prepared to spend on a starter. I just get fed-up with the defeatist attitudes that exist around here.

    I've never been to the Accolade Brasserie but from what people have said on this fourm thread I think I'll be paying them a visit sometime in the near future, as I feel we should be supporting our local businesses wherever possible, rather than bad mouth them - heaven knows, there are few enough of them to begin with, without people criticising the ones we've got.

    It's time that the people of Bedlington woke up to the fact that there's a world that exists beyond it's boundaries and it's a world where people are able to change things for the better if they're prepared to get off their backsides and do something about it, instead of harping back to the threadbare "ah yes, but this is Bedlington" whinge.

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  2. Hmmm.... Let's think.

    In one camp we appear to have the Clampetts and in the other camp we have some obviously educated, intelligent, discerning, decent, open-minded and forward-thinking people who are probably in decent jobs and making a decent living.

    I wonder which group are going to dig Bedlington out of the hole it's in?

    My money's on the latter.

    On the subject of restaurant prices, have you seen the number of BMW's, Audi's, Jags, and Range Rovers in Bedlington lately?

    I know there are a lot of professional families living in Bedlington, but spending an absolute fortune in the likes of Morpeth and Newcastle every weekend, as a result of I believe there is a MASSIVE pent up demand for decent places to eat, drink and shop in Bedlington.

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