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Malcolm Robinson

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Posts posted by Malcolm Robinson

  1. frohe Weihnachten und ein schönes neues Jahr


    merry Christmas and a happy New Year


    joyeux Noël et bonne année


    buon Natale e felice anno nuovo


    prettige kerstdagen en een gelukkig nieuwjaar


    - ne zaolige Kiësmes, e gelèkkig Nauwjoër, ên al wo wènselek ès!

    i reckon this has to be finnish or some Nordic effort.. thats as much as i can guess how much do i have right so far

    Here is the full list Dave;

    Aragones - Goyosa Nadal y millor año nuebo

    Asturian - bon Nadal y feliz añu nuevu

    Basque - zorionak eta urte berri on

    Bolognese - bån Nadèl e un ân nôv pén ed felizitè

    Brazilian Portuguese - feliz natal e um feliz ano novo

    Bresciano - bon Nedal e bu an nof

    Breton - Nedeleg laouen ha bloavezh mat

    Calabrese - buonu Natali e filici annu nuovu

    Cornish - Nadelik lowen ha blydhen nowydh da

    Croatian - cestit Božic i sretna nova godina

    Danish - glædelig jul og godt nytår

    Dutch - prettige kerstdagen en een gelukkig nieuwjaar

    English - merry Christmas and a happy New Year

    Esperanto - felican Kristnaskon kaj prosperan Novjaron

    Estonian - häid Jõule ja õnnelikku uut aastat

    Ferrarese - auguri'd bon Nadal e bon an nòv

    Flemish - zalig Kerstmis en gelukkig Nieuwjaar

    French - joyeux Noël et bonne année

    Furlan - bon Nadâl e bon an gnûf

    Galician - bo Nadal e próspero aninovo

    German - frohe Weihnachten und ein schönes neues Jahr

    Griko Salentino - Kalò Kristù ce na chrono nèo comào 'zze charà

    Hungarian - békés karácsonyt és boldog új évet

    Italian - buon Natale e felice anno nuovo

    Judeo Spanish - Noel alegre i felis anyo muevo

    Latin - Natale hilare et annum faustum

    Leonese - Bon Nadal y Prestosu Añu Nuevu

    Limburgian - ne zaolige Kiësmes, e gelèkkig Nauwjoër, ên al wo wènselek ès!

    Mantuan - bon Nadal e bon an

    Mapunzugun - ayüwün-ngechi lleqün antü ka küpalechi we tripantu

    Mudnés - bòun Nadêl e bòun ân

    Neapolitan - buonu Natale e felice nuov'anno

    Norwegian - god Jul og godt nyttår

    Papiamentu - Bon Pasku i Felis Aña Nobo

    Parmigiano - bon Nadèl e dla felicitè par al an nòv

    Piemontese - Bon Natal e Bon Ann neuv

    Polish - Wesolych Swiat i szczesliwego Nowego Roku

    Portuguese - bom Natal e feliz Ano Novo

    Rapanui - koa ite navidad ote mata hiti api

    Romagnolo - bon Nadél e feliz 'an nov

    Sicilian - bon Natali e filici annu novu

    Spanish - feliz Navidad y próspero año nuevo

    Swedish - god jul och gott nytt år

    Umbro-Sabino - bon Natale e fecunnu annu nòu

    Venetian - Bon Nadal e Bon Ano Nóvo

    Welsh - Nadolig llawen a blwyddyn newydd dda

    Zeneize - bon Denâ e feliçe anno neuo

    Wishing everyone a good 2007!

  2. For something to do between courses can anyone put the appropriate country to the greeting/

    Merry Christmas and a happy New Year

    - Goyosa Nadal y millor año nuebo

    - bon Nadal y feliz añu nuevu

    - zorionak eta urte berri on

    - bån Nadèl e un ân nôv pén ed felizitè

    - feliz natal e um feliz ano novo

    - bon Nedal e bu an nof

    - Nedeleg laouen ha bloavezh mat

    - buonu Natali e filici annu nuovu

    - Nadelik lowen ha blydhen nowydh da

    - cestit Božic i sretna nova godina

    - glædelig jul og godt nytår

    - prettige kerstdagen en een gelukkig nieuwjaar

    - merry Christmas and a happy New Year

    - felican Kristnaskon kaj prosperan Novjaron

    - häid Jõule ja õnnelikku uut aastat

    - auguri'd bon Nadal e bon an nòv

    - zalig Kerstmis en gelukkig Nieuwjaar

    - joyeux Noël et bonne année

    - bon Nadâl e bon an gnûf

    - bo Nadal e próspero aninovo

    - frohe Weihnachten und ein schönes neues Jahr

    - Kalò Kristù ce na chrono nèo comào 'zze charà

    - békés karácsonyt és boldog új évet

    - buon Natale e felice anno nuovo

    - Noel alegre i felis anyo muevo

    - Natale hilare et annum faustum

    - Bon Nadal y Prestosu Añu Nuevu

    - ne zaolige Kiësmes, e gelèkkig Nauwjoër, ên al wo wènselek ès!

    - bon Nadal e bon an

    - ayüwün-ngechi lleqün antü ka küpalechi we tripantu

    - bòun Nadêl e bòun ân

    - buonu Natale e felice nuov'anno

    - god Jul og godt nyttår

    - Bon Pasku i Felis Aña Nobo

    - bon Nadèl e dla felicitè par al an nòv

    - Bon Natal e Bon Ann neuv

    - Wesolych Swiat i szczesliwego Nowego Roku

    - bom Natal e feliz Ano Novo

    - koa ite navidad ote mata hiti api

    - bon Nadél e feliz 'an nov

    - bon Natali e filici annu novu

    - feliz Navidad y próspero año nuevo

    - god jul och gott nytt år

    - bon Natale e fecunnu annu nòu

    - Bon Nadal e Bon Ano Nóvo

    - Nadolig llawen a blwyddyn newydd dda

    - bon Denâ e feliçe anno neuo

  3. If you check the "official" Wansbeck Council website you will find info about the Wansbeck area. This includes links to the web pages of each district ie Ashington, Newbiggin and NOWT ELSE. I always thought that Bedlington was downgraded and moved under the Wansbeck Flag? NOT according to this website.

    This website was devised originally as a direct responce to the feeble and pathetic offering WDC had for Bedlington! With only his nouse and commitment to the town to work with I think Threegee did and has continued to do a superb job, all free and with no WDC support, in fact in the early days quite the opposite!

    Hats off to Threegee!

  4. I think they often enjoy Terry Pratchett novels too. And listen to My Chemical Romance.

    Now hey, nothing wrong with Mr Pratchett I started reading his books before he got other people to write them and anyone who can wear a hat of such proportions to hide a bald head cannot be all bad!

  5. I was reading a new book last night, by a bestselling American novelist (Clive Custler), and he had to “ground” one of the characters in Newcastle upon Tyne. He did that my mentioning the guy was 20 miles from Bedlington!

    So my question is, does that make Bedlington more internationally famous than Newcastle?

    Guess I know the answer on this forum!

    I have come across references to Bedlington in another novel I read but can’t remember the title? Anyone else come across the Town in this way?

  6. Has anyone else had one of these wansbeck works leaflets thorough there door recently?.An invitation to go and discuss work education and training at various drop in centres. Cambois, The Station, Newbiggin but none in bedlington itself. Just wondering what others thought about this

    Take a wild guess Wanderer! :D

  7. Most of us will put that down to a "learning and acclimatisation" period, I know Joe and he has never 'riled' anyone, have a nice day wanderer.

    PS Malcolm loves to preach, have you seen him in action? :rolleyes:

    Liked that one as well Swalnalla and don't knock on my door in the AM as I will be sacrificing a goat to the unholy deighty that is WDC!

  8. Lets not catagorise anyone. That way lies total boredom and no chance of learning something new

    and interesting.

    Please don't attempt to shape this site to meet rigid requirements. Otherwise you will find life very dull, boring, and lonly.


    Don't think that will happen in this site Joe, if anything the moderators let too much through!

    I agree you need knowledge to make the decisions pertinent to your own life and mixing with others who are not of the same mind can only be benificial as you see and hear other ideas. Of course that depends on someone having an open mind and willing to explore other ways of doing things. The problem seems to be that it is that very "openess" which allows the zealots in, and not just religious ones! I presume it is hoped that society is educated enough to recognise these extreamists for what they are and disregard their teachings because the only other option is to have a closed society and that is somethign we like to think we will fight against. Recent global events and their "local" repercussions would tend to make me wonder if we are now on a knife edge between the two states or indeed if a Totaliterian state dosn't already exist in the UK?

  9. Overnight, the windchill was -42C. At two this afternoon we had bright sun, the temperature was -24, and the windchill was -39C. A heavy snowfall was also forecast but it veered and all we got was a fine gritty snow ( about 8-10 MM) during the night.

    I also heard on the TV weather report that the temperature in the Yukon Territories (Some 600+KM north of here) was expected to rise to -49C today. God knows what it will be if they have any wind.

    Its the politicians, I tell you!

    After all we have to blame somebody, and they take all the credit for anything remotely successful, so they may as well have all the blame too!

    By the way Swalnalla, Ontario weather is the pits too. I guess somebody is mad at them for voting against the Conservatives.

    Stayed home today, prayed for a Chinook to warm things up, but since my US friends tell me that god has a deal to only listen to Republicans and large oil companies, lord knows what we will get.


    I am with you on that one Joe, come the revolution brother they will be the first ones against the wall! :lol:

  10. This word cropped up on tonight's BBC4 edition of brainiac panel show "QI".

    Also, it turns out that the number of the beast is, in fact, 616.

    You lives, you learns.

    Saw that CK but one thing puzzels me, if the subject matter is religion, which is really a belief in something which grounds it, then does it not transpire that 666 is indeed the numeral of the beast as it has been belived in by people over millennia or was their core belief just wrong?

    For me 50 is far more scarrier than 666!

    We now know where threegee moonlights, making up questions for QI!

  11. [

    Where else on Earth would pass up such a tourist revenue opportunity? Well - I'll tell you where - the completely unsung Town that invented the railways that now span the Earth, and for good measure was also the birthplace on the guy who engineered the very first transcontinental communications cable. Both of the inventions which have completely transformed the World over the last century and a half. There is, of course, a well-visited museum to these great engineering achievements. Err... no!

    So.. welcome to the Town that's had it's identity stolen in more ways than one. The famous Town which is head and shoulders over very other Town in the World in the total and utter lack of enterprise stakes!

    Who is to blame for this? Well, it's a long story, and not too many people come out Persil white. Maybe I will get around to documenting a bit of it before too long.

    Like that one Threegee!

    Couple more for the pot;

    Documented history from around 900AD.

    Links to the spread of christanity.

    "Shire" status awarded. (Maybe someone can dig out when, where and why?)

    "Invented" iron rail tracks.

    Built most of the first steam locos.

    Sir Danial Gouch.

    "Chartist" movement.

    First penny black posted here.

    All in all a rich tapistry of history, certainly during the early part of the industrial revolution of the country, and as you say worthy of at least a visitor centre celebrating a World Heritage site! :D

  12. Seriously, it should be pointed out that those on the buildings have once again been fitted and funded by the Bedlington Forum, and not W.D.C. We are all grateful to Mr. Brian Oliver for the hard work he unselfishly puts in organising the Bedlington Town Forum.

    Hear Hear!

    Once again the Bedlingtonshire Chamber of Trade is putting, time, effort and money into lighting St Cuthberts Church Yard - which overlooks the Town Center.

    To give them credit, I'm told that dear old Wansbeck District Council is putting on a much better display on the lamp posts etc. this year. (Could some of the public critisim here have been heeded?) The cameras will be out shortly to test this hypothesis.

    It still smarts to think that almost 15 grand of Bedlington's publicly donated money was usurped by WDC and we saw lighting displays which "WE" had bought up in the likes of Ashington! They might be putting a bit more into Bedlington now but they have a long long way to go!

  13. Check this out, is it possible or is this a joke?


    Green Coal

    Are we really going to see all the closed pits reopened? If you belive they were closed for purely economic reasons then the price of coal nowadays is reason enough to see them opened up again without considering that link! If China is bringing online a "dirty" coal fired power station very couple of weeks we are really pittling in the ocean!

  14. What were the local election results, who won?

    Sorry Pete it was the American mid terms, I was just interested to know if anyone thought the results might have a bearing on domestic policies. For my money it looks like they already have as we now see a scramble to have a timed withdrawl from Iraq. Also if the people knocking on your door ask you to vote in a local election, for a national political party, then then their policies must be questioned locally. I know at least two "sons of Bedlington" who have been over there fighting for......well....er....hmm....the oil interests of the USA, Saddam apart of course! If we now justify the war by saying the removal of a dictator was the reason for it and that in itself is a good enough reason to go in then when do we invade North Korea et al, or do we now just accept the hypocracy clearly on show?

  15. Just read your two links Swalnalla, left me 100% undecided, still sitting on the fence. Somebody must have the answer.

    I am in the same boat Pete, all this is as clear as mud; Bellamy's stuff looks like common sense to me though? Having said that just looking around you can see the impact we have had on this planet of ours and because of that I would tend to err on the side of the environmentalists. The truth will probably lie in the middle ground somewhere.

    Somebody must have the answer.

    Once again I would put the onus on the politicians. They are backed by banks of quangos and comittees who's sole aim is to get to the bottom of whatever they are charged with investigating. They then have a duty to report back to their electorate, the people who pay for everything, to keep us informed and so able to make rational decisions, not the least being where to put a cross on a ballot paper! That would seem another part of the political process which has been short circuted as we see the big guns coming out spouting what they think, or whatever party line is to be used, and the back benchers unable to speak as the whips have effectivley stuck their lips together all in the name of party unity. Some issues are way above party politics, I would suggest this is one!

  16. No, I doubt the Tories would listen to us, anyone above the Watford gap is !*!@#


    So PN would you advocate PR as a way of redressing the balance or does that produce inneffectual Gov?

    I have to agree with your sentiments, Labour take the area for granted and needn't do anything to sweeten electors and the Tories get very very few seats in the area so why bother. One thing I stumbled across recently which might make the Labour bit slightly askew is that something like 55% of new jobs created in the NE over the last number of years are civil servant jobs. If that is the case at worse then it looks like an unholy burden on local ratepayers in the years to come given the texts of recent postings and at best a kickback for all the safe seats they have!

    I still find it strange that an MP who is supposed to represent an electorate never canvasses public opinion from that same electorate? The only people who get in to see them are the vocal minorities who they seem to cater for at the expense of the vast majority!

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