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Malcolm Robinson

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Everything posted by Malcolm Robinson

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VcDy8HEg1QY#t=10
  2. No Merc that's where we stuff all the spam!
  3. Thanks Eggy...
  4. Just with getting answers........LOL.
  5. Loads of new pictures up on the Bedlington in Bloom facebook page. Taken of the Town as we went around with the Northumbria in Bloom judges. Like them and share please!
  6. But everythings OK! http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/bd01a19c-1e1d-11e4-bb68-00144feabdc0.html#axzz39mNwscUD
  7. Oh and the newish bins are for target practice I see .....
  8. Presume everyone has seen the new gateway feature for the new footpath entrance into the Park? Just to let everyone know what the sign is……
  9. Quick drying concrete path repair.
  10. Trying again Foxy.......
  11. Great, do you know how long it took to do that! ....... ........ Now its wisssing down can't even get back to try and put it right before it hardens off further.
  12. Well up to now GGG its been called the Barnet Formula, an exercise in quantum financial theory which left anyone south of the Tweed much more worse off financially than anyone living just north of the Tweed. Thought to be around 20% it's actually England subsidising Scotland. Then we consider health and education and there is only one winner........................................................................................ The Scottish Act 1998 (rev 2012) looks to be an exercise in self-flagellation for England! ............................................................... So certainly we would have been better off with the boarder on the Tyne. ................................................................................. As for the 'vote'. .............................................................................................................................................................................................. I am not so enamoured by either Mr Salmond or his supporters to be swayed by their arguments but given the chance to start again I would certainly be grabbing it. A political and societal reboot would outweigh any other considerations. One proviso….all current politicians would have to be employed painting the Forth Road Bridge with Wor Lass's nail brushes and if any of them utter a single word it's off to Barlinnie with them!...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... PS Sorry I can't set out the text better, it's a viral thing!
  13. Only if Scotland starts at the Tyne GGG !
  14. Everything in the garden is rosey now........................................................ "The Board of Directors of Banco de Portugal has decided to apply a resolution measure to Banco Espírito Santo, S.A.. The general activity and assets of Banco Espírito Santo, S.A. are transferred, immediately and definitively, to Novo Banco, which is duly capitalised and clean of problem assets."
  15. And leaving the Scottish independence question to those best qualified to answer it…..
  16. Relatively new occurrence that Tonyp. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-23257182
  17. Morpeth was called Dodge City when I was a teenager!
  18. If anyone goes to the web site GGG you can watch it online. I did post the hyperlink on here somewhere......
  19. "The real enemy is the London-centric liberal (with a small L) elites, who produce nowt, but think they have a divine right to rule.” ………...............................................................................................................................................................propped up by a despotic political system which uses nepotism and coercion to further its own autosarcophagical goals at the expense of democracy. This you can see at every level of government from the lowest to the very highest office in the land. The perfidy exercised against the common good in pursuit of hegemony is more than apparent and any nascent opposition to that has to be welcomed, irrespective of past indiscretions of some of the initial make up, almost in a deontological kind of way! The whole thing is an exercise in Pournelle's Iron Law of Bureaucracy!
  20. http://www.northumberland.gov.uk/default.aspx?page=1892
  21. Bayardm, Could it be that while the downriver bit is in "Bedlingtonshire" the upriver bit is in Cramlington?
  22. http://www.northumberland.gov.uk/default.aspx?page=3520
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