After I'd posted the Glow Worm boiler connection, I was intrigued how this came to be. Thorn Industries became part of the TI Group, which was Tube Investments as I remember. This was a very diverse company, but IIRC, all quality products. After market exhausts under the TI Bainbridge brand, were far better engineered, better fit and better steel, than the market leader at the time, Quinton Hazell. I just realised too, that to this day I'm using some TI products, everyday. Both my oven and my microwave, both incidentally 30yrs old, are made by TI Creda, as is my tumble dryer. In 25yrs all the dryer has ever needed was a replacement drive belt (in 2007). I do appreciate quality, well engineered products. Alas, we will never see these British made products again. But Ultra lives on, albeit in a slightly different guise Ultra