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Everything posted by KW0512

  1. PLEASE READ WARNING OF A SCAM IN BEDLINGTON!!! There are Will Writing Companies that are Cold Calling in your area, if you get a Cold call from them say NO THANK YOU AND HANG UP!! As it will cost you dearly. These Companies cold call you and offer you an appointment with a Consultant talking about free advice on how to 'safe guard' your home from care fees. They then visit you in your home put 'trusts' 'Lasting Power of Attorneys' and a 'Will' in place for a large amount of money up front. The consumer only then ends up with just a basic Will (usually with many errors) for an amount in excess of £2,500 for some. These companies are being investigated by the local Authorities and it is with regret that we cannot publish names of these scam artists. But the links below highlight some of the issues to be aware of. http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/news/opinion/article.html?in_article_id=369027&in_page_id=19&in_author_id=5 http://blogs.mirror.co.uk/investigations/2008/09/gerald-barton-of-nationwide-le.html THIS IS THE LATEST NEWS ARTICLE http://www.dailymail.co.uk/money/article-1392088/TONY-HETHERINGTON-Who-took-cash-boss-died.html#comments The man behind these scams and his associates are still at large. Some of his Associates have started up other companies up and down the country. BEWARE!!!!!! THEY WILL ROB YOU. If you have been affected by this scam our forum (who calls me) would appreciate your additions. http://whocallsme.com/Phone-Number.aspx/01427858331 Our aim is to get the warning across to the public to not deal with such companies and always go to a trusted Solicitor. Our point is that you wouldn't pay for your car to be serviced before the work was done, the same applies to having a Will and Trust put into place. Make sure you see the completed work before you part with any money. Thankyou for reading. KW
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