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Black Bull Bedlington

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Posts posted by Black Bull Bedlington

  1. We at the Black Bull welcome the local language used in the book, in all respects, okay Foxy? We would also welcome as many as possible of the forum here tomorrow night, just a shame the secret cake club can't conjure up a few bites to be enjoyed whilst the reading is going on.

  2. Seems strange really, that someone this year was let off by the courts for swearing at a policeman because policemen (and presumably policewomen) were used to bad language.

    Personally I hate it, and I hate it when I'm subjected to it.

    It seems that most of the drinking fraternity here in Bedlington find it somehow necessary to swear at every given opportunity, and yes that includes the women. Could some Bedlington councillors please congregate in the pubs and get these people put away by complaining to lily for the 180 to 540 days they so obviously need to stop them. I'm wondering if this will bring people back into pubs if they are not subjected to the torrent of bad language at the bar by the unshaved (sometimes unwashed) groups of men and women when ordering their *-!"£%^& pint.


    As the Market Club is a private members establishment you have every right to do as you wish on your premises, and you are to be commended for doing so. I have never once stated that private members establishment's members were of the swearing ilk. I only ever mentioned the word pubs not clubs. If you can find any reference to me mentioning club members I'll apologise to you. Similarly I've never condemned any of my customers in any post that I've made here with regard to swearing. Do please quote where I've condemned a customer of this pub directly.

    We both agree that bad language is not appreciated in public.

    We appear to disagree over how many people actually commit the sin and where they do it.

    Despite that I'm still willing to chat over a pint here at my expense if you wish, and to shake your hand at the end of a great discussion. (My JCB has long since been returned to the hire depot.)

    However this is my final word on the subject. I believe I've adequately made my views known. I've responded, I've been backed by some and been questioned by others and had others disagree. Others have pointed out that language in some countries is policed, and others have shown how swearing can be a great pain killer when used in context. It's been great chatting with all.

  3. All over 18s welcome.

    We are raising funds for the Blyth all weather lifeboat, who's charity box is here on the bar and used as a small swear box.

    The format will follow a typical day at the races and it is Newcastle racecourse's ladies day that day as well. There will be a disco and races. We are asking the ladies to dress posh, and we'll get some great prizes lined up for you. These will include smellies, chocoaltes and champagne, and anything else worthwhile we can conjure up before then. There will be no charge to enter the posh frock competition. Any gentlemen wishing to turn up in morning dress/black tie will be entered into their own competition to win a gallon of real ale. The event is being organised by Jenni Smith and also Colin and Sheila Patterson at Station entertainments. The event will be held at The Black Bull and commences from approx 7.30pm with first race at approx 8pm. Posh dress is not compulsory and all are welcome.

    All profits from the race night will go directly to the charity. We hope to have a representative of the charity available on the night to chat with about the work of this important local charity.

    • The Blyth All Weather Lifeboat was formed when the RNLI decided to stop having an all weather boat stationed at Blyth. The volunteers of BAWLB raised £120,000 to buy the boat and continue to raise £40,000 per year to fund the organisation which is now a charity.
      In April 2006, the Blyth Volunteer Lifeboat Service (BAWLB) became a declared facility with the Maritime and Coastguard agency, making it part of the UK's Maritime Search and Rescue Service. The independent lifeboat also became a registered charity in July last year.

  4. I'll repeat again that I hate bad language, however I will qualify the remark for your benefit Foxy and say that I only really take offence when it is used to destroy other peoples quiet enjoyment of their visit. That will let draw your own conclusions about my establishment without you visiting. Foxy, if you know of an establishment here in Bedlington that does not permit any form of bad language whether loud or quiet then do share this with the rest of the board and people of the world wide web to stop any further 'bad publicity'. Indeed if you know of any establishment within 20 square miles or so where it is so, I'd be delighted to know about it and probably other members of the board as well.

    I will say, of my own establishment, that there are a good variety of customers (increasing in numbers) who find it a friendly and welcoming establishment. I've not had a complaint made to me about other peoples language (yet) and have had many compliments on the standards and of the quality of the real ales I keep. I am always open to constructive criticism so I would be delighted for you to visit and let me know how I can improve my standards further to enable more Bedlingtonians and others of the world to visit. My aim is similar to many publicans in the area and that is to run both a successful business that people want to return to and also tell their friends about because they enjoyed themselves. That is what will bring good publicity to the town.

  5. As far as I can recall I never tarred all with the same brush. I said 'most' and I stand by that. There are plenty who do not as well. Remember 'most' can be as little as 51% or as large as 99% (integers).

    I can also say that I'm not a prude either but have noticed the increased use of this language since I left school. It follows that in my warped mind therefore that something must be causing it, and I blamed a lack of supervision of the English language in young peoples education. I'm happy to be proved wrong.

    I would also add that I have only met a couple of people in my short time here in Bedlington so far whom I do not want in my establishment, and strangely neither of these were for language reasons. I've got to say that I really do not want people to think I'm part of some sort of language police as was pointed out that the French do, I have far more important things to do such as ensuring the real ale here is at its best.

    I guess if we were all the same we'd be clones, and I'm really not wanting to be called Dolly!

  6. Hmmm, thought provoking stuff. Agreed that unshaven doesn't necessarily mean bad language will be used,(I never accused them of being rude), just as white trainers and grey sweatpants does not make someone a chav. Amazing however how often I would double my money in bets with you if you decided to take the challenge.( I could even appear unshaven to give you a head start).

    If you think it is bad language is not acceptable then tell the proprietor, bar manager/ess or barperson concerned. If they choose to ignore your complaint, take the business elsewhere. If you want to live with it and educate your family in that manner, stay there. Nothing more to be said really.

    Personally I was brought up in the period where calling a black man a black man went from being right to wrong and is now back to being right again. First it was brown or coloured deemed ok, then mixed race and finally from themselves and accepted by all it now ok to call a black man a black man. There were other such derogatory terms such as !*!@# , !*!@# , !*!@# or even worse that were used as well and still are by some.

    However we also punish ourselves that is to say if we find anyone different from our local expectations they get picked on. This includes sexuality, race, disability or in some cases just eccentricity.

    Personally, I think, the bad language question is down to a lack of education and the failure of multiple governments since the 1970's to police and to keep the English education standards high.There are so many ways to insult somebody without using a swear word that it does not make sense in many cases to even use a curse. I find that chatting with people from that era they have a much better grasp of language and politics than some of those since who think that having the right accessories to go with their tracksuits is a much better way of expressing themselves. I chat with folk from all walks in this game, and do not think that all young people are uneducated louts, I've met some great folks with university degrees and multiple levels who can almost hold a conversation only to let themselves down with foul language. It seems to me that foul language and fashion are the order of the day. Fashion I can live with, foul language I choose not to.

    So you are aware I hold no degrees or advanced qualifications. I have some 1970s O levels and CSEs that count for nothing because to most companies I am an old fart and incapable of being employed. When I was at school corporal punishment was legal and we respected our elders. I've had 4 weeks on the dole since leaving school at 16 years of age. I'm 53 now. Nothing of what I learned in the forces was accepted by civilian companies when I left in 1993 because the country had to find jobs for youngsters when I left the army. Despite this I feel that the only way we can progress is by education of our young people and instilling in them pride in their country, along with the best education available. People like myself have the ability to do this, but we do not hold any qualifications that are accepted by education authorities, despite training numerous army recruits in both military basics and accountancy. (Many of these people joined the army with no formal civilian qualifications) Do you see a cycle here?

    The more they swear the time inside they deserve unless you can actually show a reason why foul and abusive language is acceptable. My pencil is ready and I'm still a barsteward.

  7. Seems strange really, that someone this year was let off by the courts for swearing at a policeman because policemen (and presumably policewomen) were used to bad language.

    Personally I hate it, and I hate it when I'm subjected to it.

    It seems that most of the drinking fraternity here in Bedlington find it somehow necessary to swear at every given opportunity, and yes that includes the women. Could some Bedlington councillors please congregate in the pubs and get these people put away by complaining to lily for the 180 to 540 days they so obviously need to stop them. I'm wondering if this will bring people back into pubs if they are not subjected to the torrent of bad language at the bar by the unshaved (sometimes unwashed) groups of men and women when ordering their *-!"£%^& pint.

  8. Well it was quiet last night, but the quality of the buskers and audience was there to be seen. Many thanks to all who've been in so far. Our cask ale sales are improving weekly and we have regular guests now. If anyone is into Northern Soul we are doing a Northern Soul night on Sat 17th March. (St Patricks day) commencing at 8pm.

  9. A new offer from us to all of you. On your birthday, we'll get you a drink free of charge. Just bring two friends (or more) with you and let us know you are a member of the forums here. Buy any two drinks and get the third free as a happy birthday from us to any forum member. It will be your drink that is the free one. The offer is open on your birthday only and must be requested at the time of the order. Not combinable with any other offer and you must be over 18 along with any friends who are with you. We operate a strict Challenge 21 policy and promote responsible drinking.

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