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sweenytwo last won the day on October 6 2017

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  1. You can Just make out the name T Fox on the side of the boat a relation was on the Cambois lifeboat
  2. sweenytwo

    Local Football

  3. Names on rear Mr Dowson Parkin Crankside Ryder Mr Fowel B Foster Henderson Charlton Oliver Bainbridge Spratt Wade Jones
  4. Names on back of original ??? Mr Fox Mr Bell J Bainbridge D Spratt A Churnside J Hogarth G Wade A Ryder B Foster B Henderson M Muter B Charlton E Wilson L Johnstone
  5. Burton Foster front row 1st one on the left do you know any others and what team they are playing for ??
  6. The names I have now are from top left W Gebbie J Henderson R Short J Scott W Richmond J Brown Front Row T or J Fox B Foster R Brown J McCaffery B Taylor Still dont know what the team was
  7. HI That is my dad Burton Foster front row second from left what is you Uncles Name so I can update the picture and do you know who the team was they were playing for
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