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Diane Thompson

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Diane Thompson last won the day on March 8 2012

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  1. Hi, I have now set up a special e mail address for this project, so you can now contact me at bedlingtonmorpethccc@gmail.com to express your interest. Diane
  2. Hi, I have now set up a special e mail address for this project so you can contact me at bedlingtonmorpethccc@gmail.com to express your interest Diane
  3. Hi all, Thanks so much for all of your help! I've sent a message to the Black Bull's profile and have sent an e mail to Edith. Sorry people.....afraid you can't just turn up and eat cake. You can be the guest of someone who bakes a cake and brings it along, but can't just come and fill ya boots!
  4. Hi, Thanks so much to everyone , especially Stephen that's really helpful! I just need to get my organising head on now and make some progress! I've just accepted a chat spot on Synergy in a week!
  5. Hello all, I am looking to set up a branch of a cake club for South East Northumberland and Central Morpeth. You may have heard of it. It's called the Clandestine Cake Club and the idea is that the group will consist of 2-30 members and we will meet once a month. Each member can bring a guest and we all bring a cake made around a monthly theme. We then eat cake, talk about cake, swap recipes etc. The meetings generally last about 2-3 hours and left over cake can be taken home. I am hoping to organise this as a community project and to meet people. CCC organisers facilitate the meetings and receive no payment for it. It is purely for the love of cake and meeting new people. I realise that I am covering a large area but the nearest group is in Newcastle and that is over subscribed and there's a waiting list! I live in Bedlington so would ideally like the venues to be as close to me as possible. I can't drive so will have the rely on my other half. Other CCC meetings throughout the country and world, take place in cafes, expresso bars, restaurants, pubs etc. So, I guess what I am asking my fellow Bedlingtonians is where do you think would be a good venue? As I said in my introduction message, I have been pretty shy (so this is a big step for me) and haven't really ventured into the pubs in the area due to not really having many friends (ahhhhh) and my other half working away. Doesn't a lady sitting in a pub alone acquire a bit of a rep? As a result I know nothing about the vibe of the pubs in Bedlington or surrounding areas. Which pubs, if any, are best avoided? Is the emphasis in some pubs on live music where we the cakey people won't be able to talk? Are there any cafes or restaurants which have ample seating areas which you can recommend? I need venues to be in a well lit area. So far I have made contact with Tino's Deli and the Half Moon in Ashington (also not sure whether this is 'a bit rough') who are both keen to become a venue. I have also thought that The Red Lion, La Torre, Verdi's and Bistro 62 as possible venues, but am really relying on your recommendations. The benefit for the business is extra sales in refreshments and savoury food and opportunity for repeat business. Finally I would like to add that if you think that this suits your business or know someone who has a business who may be interested, please drop me an e mail at hippychick08@gmail.com or leave a message on here. If you are interested in attending yourself, please drop me an e mail (though you will have to register on the official CCC website) and I will add you to my list of people to contact when all of the networking and venue planning have been completed. Thank you in advance for your help. Diane
  6. Hello all, I am looking to set up a branch of a cake club for South East Northumberland and Central Morpeth. You may have heard of it. It's called the Clandestine Cake Club and the idea is that the group will consist of 2-30 members and we will meet once a month. Each member can bring a guest and we all bring a cake made around a monthly theme. We then eat cake, talk about cake, swap recipes etc. The meetings generally last about 2-3 hours and left over cake can be taken home. I am hoping to organise this as a community project and to meet people. CCC organisers facilitate the meetings and receive no payment for it. It is purely for the love of cake and meeting new people. I realise that I am covering a large area but the nearest group is in Newcastle and that is over subscribed and there's a waiting list! I live in Bedlington so would ideally like the venues to be as close to me as possible. I can't drive so will have the rely on my other half. Other CCC meetings throughout the country and world, take place in cafes, expresso bars, restaurants, pubs etc. So, I guess what I am asking my fellow Bedlingtonians is where do you think would be a good venue? As I said in my introduction message, I have been pretty shy (so this is a big step for me) and haven't really ventured into the pubs in the area due to not really having many friends (ahhhhh) and my other half working away. Doesn't a lady sitting in a pub alone acquire a bit of a rep? As a result I know nothing about the vibe of the pubs in Bedlington or surrounding areas. Which pubs, if any, are best avoided? Is the emphasis in some pubs on live music where we the cakey people won't be able to talk? Are there any cafes or restaurants which have ample seating areas which you can recommend? I need venues to be in a well lit area. So far I have made contact with Tino's Deli and the Half Moon in Ashington (also not sure whether this is 'a bit rough') who are both keen to become a venue. I have also thought that The Red Lion, La Torre, Verdi's and Bistro 62 as possible venues, but am really relying on your recommendations. The benefit for the business is extra sales in refreshments and savoury food and opportunity for repeat business. Finally I would like to add that if you think that this suits your business or know someone who has a business who may be interested, please drop me an e mail at hippychick08@gmail.com or leave a message on here. If you are interested in attending yourself, please drop me an e mail (though you will have to register on the official CCC website) and I will add you to my list of people to contact when all of the networking and venue planning have been completed. Thank you in advance for your help. Diane
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