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Posts posted by curly

  1. On ‎13‎/‎05‎/‎2016 at 10:17, mercuryg said:

    From the link about the dog: " one of those breeders from the town of Bedlington in Northampshire..."

    Northampshire? Where be that, then?

    I think this breeder from isreal has got his facts totally wrong - there is only one place called bedlington and it is in northumberland



  2. On ‎08‎/‎05‎/‎2016 at 07:54, moe19 said:

    So would you be  happier  If the plans were for cheap starter homes?

    Its sad that when people work hard and are successful in life and make a good living  that some folk think its offensive and insulting,

    Good luck to those who work hard and do well, they certainly do not  insult or offend me  so why bash them.          

    when I posted this it was to highlight the proposed development to the public if the where not already aware -

    you have taken the quotes out of context- they were actually extracts from another article and not my words - however building work is building work - and I would be just as upset if they were as you put it cheap starter homes

    I do not mind people getting on in life if they work hard, you would think I did ...........there is plenty of brown field sites to build on


    it seems as if too much of bedlington GREEN sites are being used at present........ 


  3. permission has been applied for to build two ‘executive’ style homes in the middle of Bedlington Country Park.

    Like many, MAN4B is appalled that this application has even been submitted. To apply to build within an area designated as both a Local Wildlife Site and a Local Nature Reserve, particularly 'executive' housing which is out of the reach of the vast majority of Bedlington residents, is insulting and offensive to our community.

    This should be seen and dealt with as what it is - a money making exercise at the expense of the wildlife which has been present in this habitat for hundreds of years and also to the thousands of people who love, care for and enjoy the peace and tranquillity of the Country Park.

    Please visit the NCC Planning website – type ‘Humford’ into the search engine and see for yourself. If you are as incensed as we are please add your objection to the many already there.



  4. In some ways yes. Makes you wonder where the older generation is going wrong.

    we've got no way of controlling kids, its all been taken away, you cannot chastise, speak to or punish children in any way.

    they do not respect older people, or look to them for guidence as we did.

    although they do not respect themselves or where they live or anything..........but woe betide if you disrespect them or theirs!

    this opinion does not appliy to all

  5. Beck,

    If it is any help to you, I have a document here which tells me that the Incumbent at the time of the marriage was Charles Thomas Whitley (not sure if his surname has anything to do with the local town of Whitley Bay). He was incumbent of St Cuthbert's from 1854 until 1895.

    This has supporting evidence from an archive page

    In 1833 he was appointed Reader in Natural Philosophy and Mathematics in the new University of Durham, a post which he retained until 1855. He also filled a number of other university offices for various periods during those years - Librarian, Proctor, Tutor, and later Vice-Master of University College. He was ordained in 1836, and in 1849 became an honorary canon of Durham Cathedral. In 1854 he was appointed Vicar of Bedlington, Northumberland.

    - Source -

    well the whitley memorial and the village infants(derelect village hall) were both church of england schools and bedlington parish church St cuthberts was part of the dioses of durham so hence the connection there.

  6. The two most effective renewable sources are solar and tide power.

    never denied that...........we just don't get a lot of sunshine in the north east, i've seen some of the masive solar collectors in france close to andorra and or course there are the fields of solar collectors in california and other parts of the world, but can you imagine the hew and cry if huge areas were taken over for solar panels... no objection to peoples houses / roofs then but then again most houses arn't strong enough to take the panels but up they go anyway!

    and where are the viable tide power projects at present generating electricity

    Wind is no good on a small scale they are useless, if you put a wind turbine on your house (a small one) your house will be damaged because of vibrations from the wind turbine.

    never suggested for one moment attaching a small windmill to a house, and as for vibration........ well... if it vibrates too much its off balance!

  7. Active farm land has not stopped opencasting at Butterwell, Widdrington, Stobswood, Chevington and Blagdon Estate - (Shotton, Brenkley and the Delhi)

    But you have areas where coal is that you cant get at with open casts or drifts, like Ashington, Bedlington, Blyth, Ellington, Lynemouth, Newsham and many others where there is housing, active farm land and others so open casts and drifts will not work, so only thing left is shafts, but there needs to be a political will to resurrect the British Coal Mining industry but the tories will never do it because of history with the NUM.

    it also didn't stop opencasting at bedlington either as i recall there were 2 opencast sites, 1 where the golf course is now and another at the westlea side of bedlington and again the howard opencast which was netherton colliery

  8. it sounds to me like we actually don't have any control over this problem at all, obviously every solution has an inherent problem.

    Corporations control, we are just on the recieving end.

    does everyone want to go back to the dark ages,

    everyone will be back to cutting down trees to cook and then we will complain of deforrestation, loads of smoke because people burning 'green' (undried) wood.

    solar panels as you say use aluminium and silicone and both have to be mined and smelted, coal has to be burned or at least processed in some way. Oil is split into its various fractions and used throughout industry.

    todays society is very dependant on oil, we need to diversify and we need renewable sources to supplement other energy forms, Britain as you know is not a sunny country, so we must at least try to use what we have a lot of - WIND and if that means building windmills then i for one are not opposed to them being built. May be not large expanses of land being used but smaller units (on per house basis), surplus could then be sold back to the grid as people do with the solar/photvoltaic panels.

  9. but would not like them to have any health problems due to Nuclear like cancer, had enough of that with the lose of one family member to it, dont want anyone else to get that horrible disease.

    cancers are caused by many factors, lifestyle being the greatest factor; not just environmental.

    yes radiation does cause cancer, but in limited does CURES cancer as well

    mining illnesses - emphysema, silicosis, COAD, lung cancer ( must admit this one iffy as some miners smoked), if involved with asbestos and it was down mines - malignant mesothelioma

  10. quote

    If it's appropriate then the grass should be cut, for example in town centres, play areas, most parks, landscaping around buildings, around bus stops, and so on. I reckon it should generally remain uncut elsewhere, places like road margins and central reservations (but have a mower-wide cut strips alongside the gutters for 'elf 'n' safety), large designated areas within parks, swathes through accessable woodland, and along hedgerows ... this should be done to create wildlife area

    Well the area in question has had its mower width strip, the rest looks a mess, it is not encouraging wildlife, or any type of meadow wildflowers.... it is like an abandoned building site.....oh hang on thats what part of it was after the bridge renovators went. Please can we have the nicely mowed area back............. FOR HEALTH AND SAFETY REASONS ie getting out of the open at the furnace bank as YOU CANNOT SEE THE TRAFFIC COMING IN ENOUGH TIME TO GET OUT OF THE OPENING.

  11. thanks for the explaination,

    even if it had been left as a 'grow wild area' we all know what wild grass looks like

    and is there not areas left to go wild down the woods etc

    if it had been designated for meadow wild flowers and thats totally different

    but then even meadows need to be tended to get the desired effect - not left .........its just been a money saving exercise ........may be bedlington west should leave 20 acres for a 'grow wild area' we all know what the response would be there.

  12. keith - i read your letter on the news post leader.

    hopefully you'll of rattled a few cages

    well i thought that maybe someone(ie the council) had read the letter as on my way to blyth this a.m.

    i actually saw a white van with a trailer pull up beside the long grass at the black bridge..and you guessed it, there were grass cutters on it.

    but when i came back a couple of hours later the grass had not been cut,

    me thinks the will need strimmers first the length that it is.

  13. I forgot how big that old pile of *earth workings* was.

    well i bet you can all remember playing in the marshy bits behind rothsey terrace and going home without your shoes.

    well we did have the mining industryto thank for the old ashington hospital,

    but then we also had the TB wards at north seaton

  14. cannot understand what's going on with Tescos,

    there is an empty building next door to them they could refurbish that and then join the building they occupy and that building together and that would give them one heck of a store.

    As i remember milne house had 3 floors and a lift that went from top to bottom it was a roomy store as well, plenty of area for electricals, clothing and food,

    so tescos get your finger out

    ask the people of bedlington

  15. had a bit of a think over night - the music box.... was where the cobblers is now and

    the hairdressers they had was up the narrow stairs (separate door access).

    they then moved to blyth to where the cut price toiletries store (don't know name) is and the hairdressers was accessed through internal staircase

  16. Please help. Where was The Music Box - in conjunction with the front street shops today. I know it was opposite the Sun Inn and it was owned by a Keith ? Sylivia ? was the manageress and I used to buy all my Moody Blues and Roxy Music vinyl there. Methinks it is either the cobblers / key place or the opticians. If i am not mistaken you had to go upstairs. Any photos would be appreciated. Cheers all.

    did the music box move to blyth in the 80's - to near or above/beside woolworths

  17. Give me Bates colliery over wind trubines any day of the week, i would choose Bates every time.

    my father worked down the mines and got out when i was young, ,

    my uncle (dads brother) worked for the mines (netherton colliery and then transfered to bates) until the 1984 strike and had to wait to retire(until the strike finished) my other uncles all worked in the mines lynmouth, ellington another at brenkley.... one of my grandfathers worked at woodhorn.

    they all said if there had been a choice they would have done something else.

    I was 'lucky' enough to go down netherton (for a look around to see what it was like) after it had stopped producing coal before being decomissioned and I personally think it was a horrible/dangerous place to earn your living, the environment is dark, dirty, stale, much better to be topside

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