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dolomite1958 last won the day on September 27 2012

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About dolomite1958

  • Birthday 19/09/1958

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  1. I have lived in Bedlington for nearly 2 years and I have to agree with some of the comments that have been placed here. Firstly I have to say that in my opinion, Ridge Farm had the best sunday carvery for miles. It couldnt be faulted or bettered and getting a table was very difficult indeed. But one day doesn't make up for the rest of the week. We found the food wasn't up to much during the week, the bar facilities was ok, but the bar itself was below standard. Someone said here that it wasn't a drinkers pub. I agree and if you wanted a better and cheaper drink, you only had to go to the club next door I, for one is sorry to see it closed. The Head Chef is a great guy and I hope he moves on to better things. There isn't much in Bedlington I agree, but for me that is part of its charm. I wouldn't want it to become Blyth Mark 2, because it may bring more to Bedlington, but with it it brings more problems. Believe me I know. I have seen it all before
  2. I once had an ass with one leg shorter than the other 3. It was a wonkey donkey Don't you think that velcro is a rip off
  3. Our local ice cream man was found dead in his van. He was covered in chocolate sauce and hundreds and thousands Police reckon he topped himself I had a viagra injection last week. I couldnt bend my arm for 3 days Mt ex wife died by falling in a wishing well. I didnt realise they worked I had a call from the Sheffield Football Association yesterday, enquiring about when I can take over as boss of one of their football teams. I told them I couldnt manage Wednesday I watched an x rated version of the movie Saving Private Ryan. It was called Shaving Ryans Privates I watched another x rated movie. It was an older version of Jurassic Park, starring elderly people. It was called Jurassic Pork
  4. Fred decided to have his wifes Wendy's name tattoo on his todger. It took a while but got there in the end. He soon noticed that when his todger was at rest, all he could see was the letters WY After a while they decided to take a holiday to Jamaica. Fred needed to take a pee. Standing next to him was a black guy and Fred could help noticing that on his todger was the letters WY. Fred said "Ive got one of those. When you get an erection, does it show the name Wendy?" "No" says the black guy. "When I get an erection it says Welcome to the West Indies. I hope you have a nice holiday"
  5. A man visiting his friend watched his dog licking his bum. "Wish I could do that" the man said. The friend replied "Give him a biscuit and he might let you"
  6. An Englishman, Scotsman and an Irishman was working on a 300ft tall chimney when they decided to eat there packed lunch. The englisman opened his lunch box and said "Bloody hell. Cheese again. I am fed up with cheese. If I getcheese sandwiches tomorrow, Im going to throw myself off this chimney" The Scotsman opened his box and said "Bloody hell. Tomato again. I am fed up with tomato. If i get tomato sandwiches tomorrow, I am going to throw myself off this chimney" The Irishman opened his box and said "Bloody hell. Ham again. I am fed up with ham. If I get ham sandwiches tomorrow, I too will throw myself off this chimney The next day the Englishman opened his box only to find cheese sandwiches. "Thats it" he said and threw himself off the chimney. The Scotsman opened his box to find tomato sandwiches. "Thats it" he said and threw himself off the chimney. The Irishman opened his box to find ham sandwiches. "Thats it" he said and threw himself off the chimney At the funeral for the 3 men, the wives got together. The English wife said "If only I knew he was fed up with cheese sandwiches, I would have given him something different" The Scottish wife said "If i knew he was fed up with tomato sandwiches I would have given him something different. They turned to the Irish wife and asked her if she was ok? "I am confused" she said. "Why" said the other wives. "Every day he made his own packed lunch"
  7. My friend has just been struck off the medical register because he was having sex with his patients Its a shame really because I thought he was a bloody good vet!!
  8. So what was the answer? My guess was they all played the part of the President of the US or they all played a part where they were the leaders of their country
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