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Posts posted by Maggie/915

  1. To jump in front of a bus because they have changed the route is crazy. (My opinion)

    If you think that equates with Emily's actions,and those are your sincerely held views that is fine.

    We live in a democracy where you are free to say and think what you like.

    Emily was fighting for that right.

  2. Very interesting.

    My feeling is some of the pesticides we use are harmful.

    A return to these old ways would not be allowed but it could prove to be recycling at its natural best. The leek growers knew the importance of human waste for the biggest and best leeks.

  3. Suggest you read about the 'cat and mouse policy'

    Force feeding and punishment was extreme.

    We could mention the unfairness of the miners

    strike, or loads of other incidents where people were forced to take a stand.

    Jumping in front of an Arriva bus is a crazy example by anyone's standards.

  4. We need to remember the other details.

    The suffragettes were persecuted for simply wanting a vote for a democratic government to represent them.

    Without people like Emily who made a stand for others where would we all be!

    Okay maybe it was just votes for women but it was unfair, I do not believe she wanted to die or traumatise the jockey. She wanted justice. Surely that is not to hard to understand.

    We would all fight for a cause we believed in.

    We would all fight against injustice.

    Social responsibility means standing up and being counted.

    Surely that is not to difficult to understand even if you disagree.

    Sincerely held views are understood by all.

  5. A son wrote a poem when my mother died,in it he said :-

    The secret of life lies with each other .

    Death makes you assess relationships and what you value in life.

    It is not about money and possessions.

    However that said I am a hoarder.

    Exhibition at the Baltic Art Galleries this year in Newcastle (one is in New Bridge Street) American artist Jim Shaw bought odd cheap paintings in charity shops . His point was you do not own your possessions your possessions own you.

    With my old lot you had to be careful you did not say you liked something because it would go home with you.

    What an example to live up to.

  6. Sadly we are at that age where 'it's not dark yet but it's getting there' Vic

    Sounds dodgy but once you accept that fact nothing matters.

    I have a Geordie friend in the South with a famous step son who was given weeks and months to live nearly two years ago.

    When people ask me how she is, I say she was given a new lease of life proving the doctors wrong!

    That I feel is a mind set, that is easily understood in Bedlington and the North.

    The other Geordie trait I admire is the ability to give and not expect something, anything in return.

    In other places people can be suspicious when you are kind and wonder what your after.

    In coal mining you gave freely because if you had spare veg or anything else you enjoyed being kind.

    Why let things go to waste. Your life depended on your Marra.

    • Like 1
  7. There is a song chorus is:-

    It's the company makes the feast'

    Guess what I am saying is the people make our area the best of places.

    The weather, dialect and shared history of hardship makes life special and we all need to be grateful for our lot.

    Joke required

    "Wor Geordie has a pigeon a pigeon a pigeon

    It flew in the morning it flew in the night and when it came home it was covered in---------

    Back to the beginning

    Sorry to anyone who does not know the tune or song

  8. Obviously we are all in the band this week.

    Fighting injustice!

    Guess it is table 25 at The Red Lion!

    Pity it is not a round table.

    Where is King Arthur when you need him.

    There is a Northumbrian folk tale about him asleep in our hills waiting to be woken at our time of greatest need.

  9. Crazy concerts, we saw Wreckless Eric at an old cinema used as a concert hall in Ashington.

    It seems he met the girl for him not in Tahiti but in Hull.

    The original concert was in about1980 and the last one last year.

    The track that was popular was Whole Wide World.

  10. How safe is the personal message!

    All these programmes, dramas etc mean we all become a little insecure.

    Just today radio television have all run items on computer Internet safety

    If people can hack into the banks and government websites what hope is there!

    Bring back the old days.

    Then we can be safe with people knowing our mothers maiden name and our date of birth.

    My point is Bedlington has always been a place where you could share and be happy in the connections that make life good.

    It is all sad the way life is now and I fear for the next generation.

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