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  1. Just browsing came across this photo. I'm on it, here's a list of names starting back row left to right. 1 Billy Middleton. 2 John Crawford (me). 3 Jacky Coils. 4 John Revely. 5 Jimmy Nichol. 6 Jimmy Crisp. 7 Burnett Brown. 8 Jack McNair. 9 Brian Besford. 10. Rowland Watson. Middle Row left to right. 11 Brian Jenkinson. 12 Peter Aries. 13 Fenick Yeowart. 14 John Green. 15 Eta Johnson. 16 Ivy Bolton or Bowden (not sure surname). 17 Thelma Cracket. 18 Jim Turnbull. 19 Jimmy Neal. 20 Billy Emery. Front row left to right 21 Betty Cavendish. 22 Sylvia ? Jobson. 23 Audrey ?. 24 Una Rough. 25 Margaret Watson. 26 Sylvia Carr. 27 Ann Simm. 28 Ann Saint. 29 Leah Middleton. 30 Maureen Robson.
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