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Steve Turnbull

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Posts posted by Steve Turnbull

  1. 10 hours ago, threegee said:

    Islam's time horizon is a lot longer than any Brit's (including me).  Islamists are still living the crusades, and if you think this is a fiction I''d be happy to enlighten you.

    This afternoon I cycled 35Km over the dirt roads on the coastal plane here - no Italian would do this. I was chased by feral dogs but got a glimpses of the conditions many (mainly) sub-Saharan Africans are living in and spoke to a couple.  Stick to your illusions - until the wake up call!  There are millions more on the way!

    And you somehow draw a link between this and ‘sleeper cells’? I had you down as intelligent but with radical views. I’m now wondering whether you’re just another who believes what the Daily Mail tells them. I’m not the one with the illusions.

  2. I do remember that! Was it you who has the vintage, was it A35? Where abouts do you live again? I spend a lot of time in Horncastle as it’s the nearest town. As for the dogs - well behaved? You don’t know the half of it!!

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