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Everything posted by toakley1965

  1. There was water flowing behind the bus stop on the B1331 last week, when the cemetery was flooded. But there is a lot of work that needs doing to stop the flooding. I have spoken to Terry Johnstone about the problem several times, some of the drainage is the responsiblity of NCC, the rest is water board. They need to get together and get it sorted, but because it has been left for so long it will be an expensive project.
  2. Behind Red House and West Lea. And then the Green Letch.
  3. I have been looking at the problem of flooding in West Bedlington for the last year. These pictures show the problem areas, which have not been maintained by either the council or water board. If the new houses are given the go ahead the problems will only get worse. The drainage we have needs to be sorted the water doesn't even get into the channels and is not draining away. More houses, more water, more flooding!
  4. A bit they forgot to tell us about. http://northernarchitecture.com/portfolio/design-competition-bedlington-town-centre/
  5. Londis shore with deli, probably opening December.
  6. Planning application on NCC web site tonight for 180 houses at Blue House Farm. http://publicaccess.northumberland.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=summary&keyVal=NM2S7KQSHXX00
  7. Notice is still up at Plessey Woods with a contact number if you want it.
  8. Books were available from Plessey Woods the author only printed a couple of hundred copies and all sold quickly. He is going to print more if enough people want them, get in touch with Plessey email is best or phone weekends they have a list and his details. If no joy get back to me and I will find the list when I'm next at work. I have a copy and it is a good little book!
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