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Margaret Wilson

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Margaret Wilson last won the day on September 21 2016

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  1. Whow to this picture you must be a genius to have found IT blue barby much appreciated A Big THANK YOU.
  2. "Loved the Photo HPW you look a little darling thank you so much for sending it. My husband went to that school in the fifties some of the faces looks familiar to me I'm sure some of them went to guide post senior school when I was there . Getting back to the black pipe it was round about 48ish when I played there so it could have been possibe you were there. I remember me and my little freind were playing on the pipe and her foot got stuck in that horrible black mud and she lost her shoe in it , we were terrified to go home with only one shoe," her dad had to go and dig it out then wash it on the outside tap . My mams freind lived in story buildings her name was Beatie Hart she had two little girls Valerie and Beryl Valerie was your age and they got a house at Bedlington when they pulled Story Buildings down . Beatie and my mam were freinds right up untill they passed away.
  3. This story brings back memiories I used to play on that very same black pipe maybe we played together HPW .
  4. Thank you HPW you are an inspiration to the Bedlington community . " Choppington" might not have had a real golf course but it did have a really "Good Park"with tennis court's bowling green swings, teapot lid , roundabout see saw everything was first class it was situated in an area across the road from Tates shop I used to go and play there after school . I also played under the black bridge you mentioned trying to get across the burn with stepping stones .
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