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SouthernGeordie last won the day on January 27 2023

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  1. Sorry, I come from a divorced marriage so I know very little of the family name.
  2. Yes number 4, Started Netherton colliery in 1971 as a mining trainee, had a really good job assisting the ventilation officer, then got accepted as craft apprentice, and couldn't serve my time there so left before Netherton closed, ended up in Ashington area workshops until 1989 when I accepted a redundancy package.
  3. Jimmy Hogg did win apprentice of the year, so it's possible that this photo could be that but I'm not sure.
  4. 1=Steven ?, 2=Peter Morton, 4=George Hedley, 8=Jimmy ?, 3= Mr Hindmarsh
  5. Post it on Facebook if you like I'm not on that platform.
  6. Found another, Bates Apprentices about 1974?
  7. 19 George Hedley
  8. 19 George Hedley
  9. I've found this photo from around 1975, it's some of the surface workers at Bates, I've sent a copy to @HIGH PIT WILMA maybe able to identify some and bring back a few memories.
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