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Everything posted by Monsta®

  1. bnp drivel! not mean thieving labour and conservative liars. why not give the bnp or ukip a shot they might even sort out the mess labour has created!
  2. so theres 47574 jobs available! thats not nearly a drop compaired to the amounts being laid off! plus most of these jobs are special skilled jobs such as teachers etc and the rest are cleaners!
  3. only if you follow! how can you say the youngins of today do sod all? they probably would do something if there was something for them to do!!! stinking immigrants and migrant workers stealing are few remaining jobs, have you looked on the job centres web site lately obviously not otherwise you would know theres nowt! so the homegrown youngins have nowt better to do than drink and waste there lives.
  4. to further that what about al the other countries that died to help us such as the americans who in all fairness save us for complete destruction from mr hitler!!! they still have to gan through immigration! so if tha gan de it for one they'll have to de it for all them. so sorry but gurkas gan an dee one!
  5. they got paid to fight! just like any job nen body forced them to do it. they should stay away the benifit leaches!
  6. so are xbox360 games there not hd either! so there equal in that respect shame the build quality is shoddy on the xbox! as you never get three red rings on a ps3!
  7. Monsta®

    Windows 7

    tried windows 7 rc 64bit version! looks good only thing is nothing is compatable!
  8. eh! you can play games on a ps3 that's the whole point! are ye mad or what!
  9. i thought that was a cow shed!
  10. Monsta®

    2 Fences

    looks better already!!
  11. all in a days work for britains finest!
  12. mine sounds like theres a sea king landing in front of the telly!
  13. sad to think people can be so cruel to man best friend!
  14. wey if that doesn't the freak Asteroid 99942 Apophis will, destined to cause a near miss in the year 2029 but will more than likely hit us if there calculations are wrong wiping out all life! mint! read this!
  15. hold on save the coal! chop down the rainforests first and plant palms for palm oil and kill any remaining oranutangs! sorry like but the world is f*cked and any stupid blind idiots who say its just scare mongering want lashed until they see sense! still theres nen need to cry over spilled milk!
  16. Monsta®

    Gaming League

    here's a mad idea why doesn't threegee install a game on this site? then it can register peoples scores and nen body can cheat!!!!
  17. just hope those 4 arabs with the dubious looking large cake are getting your plane!
  18. um yes! thats how it works i did use it for about 4 years prior to gaining a rapidshare account! your pc acts as part of a big server then people search and access your pc if you have what they want and vise versa.
  19. wow something i actually agree with p2p is the worst especailly seeing you give *people a direct link into your computer!!!! and the vast amounts of virus riddled data! *people or more than likely hackers!
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