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Everything posted by Monsta®

  1. were did you get that from? ROM has never been called WORM! your thinking of cdr technology!
  2. wey am only pointing out the title of the topic!
  3. So why block me from your league? sad:lol::lol:
  4. I but long since used them! unlike some of the others on here!
  5. Monsta®


    bah your right up yourself! what makes you better than every one else? and another thing you say i'm leaving distasteful and discrimanating posts! is the constant slur on the locals out of work not discrimanting like! chava this and chava there human too!
  6. what! Why am I the Scapegoat! here people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones!
  7. Yeah Thats so Funny a cannit stop laughing! gan and put your head under the front wheel of the x31!
  8. but thats in stakeford not bedlington, can you not read!
  9. Bah it must take an long time to get them !*!@# stains off your tongue! :lol:
  10. wey thats more of a con than the national lootery!
  11. well freespeech for all has been taken away again! bedlington now twinned with north korea!
  12. cricket is as fun as lawn bowls!
  13. wey shut up! they be finished for chrimbo! if they get there fingas out they arses and do sumit!
  14. what you mean !*!@#! hopefully a spell in the fizzy pop league will do them a world of good! one good thing thats come from it! micheal owens fecked off! :lol:
  15. you must be one of them midnight shoppers! :lol:
  16. also forgot the nintendo 64 (crap controller), the 3D0, Neo geo, the saturn and the sega 32X handhelds could be counted to such as the sega Game Gear, gameboy, PSP etc
  17. forgot the "rock lobster" speed ball and gods
  18. Well Said! who in tha right mind would want to watch such drivel. a bunch of idoit or washed up stars mek a tit of them selves make you ashamed to be british!
  19. mine would have to be the amstrad 464 the fun of watch the lines fly up the screen and the funny screaching noise as it loaded harrier attack!
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