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Everything posted by Monsta®

  1. what are you going on about? older file sharing networks but better? you must mean the gnutella networks? if so who actually uses them, have you never used warez-bb and rapidshare?
  2. still they'll never beat: dunlop green flash!
  3. ner he's right a remember watching that original version of flubber (the absent minded professor) from the fifties and they where wearing them on that!
  4. why not its just a pc in a styled case you still need a monitor, keyboard and mouse or other input device (remote contol) to use it!
  5. how the hell can you say that! have you been to a third world country? take pakistan what a dump full of mud huts and terrorists, no thank you gordon brown is doing just fine
  6. they have specail catologues you sometimes get them in with the junk mail! they also sell them see through rain macs
  7. is that the original? why does it say "Woolworths is a trading name of Shop Direct Home Shopping Limited." have they bought the name?
  8. woolies thats sort of shut down! poundland full of tatt!
  9. just admit it you watch eastenders and think its real!
  10. pure genius! it would make even the most harded environmentalist cry with joy! they deserve a trophy for recycling!
  11. not really primark has a great range of tatty clays that fall apart after the second wash falling that you can always trust george not to have your size or actually anything worth wearing
  12. bah could you run the country probably not!
  13. true there are a lot of vicky pollards about but did you ever go in that shop? it was like something from the twilight zone! nen wonder its shuting down its just to old fashioned, like they say in business you have to move with the times to make money! and in this economic climate shops like primark are making a mint as people cant afford saville row anymore!
  14. not being funny or nowt but when was blagdon part of bedlington? or is the events a general northeast thing?
  15. quite the opposite you can have a strong design or box model but if you choose the wrong colours it simply ruins the whole design. try http://kuler.adobe.com/ for inspiration
  16. its just a bit corporate, dull and sterile! wheres the life, the job centre web site has a more jolly colour scheme than here!
  17. please change that bg colour it's making me feel suicidal
  18. bah! why's it grey is that to reflect the town? cleaner design maybe, dull colours yes! i prefered the white and blue
  19. its my opinion! and i must have some sort of interest otherwise i wouldn't post ok i can see the use of portable machines i just hate small screens. what do you mean an ever decreasing number of desktop users! 71% of people still use desktops including the custom builders!
  20. doubt it unless your into panda pops!
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