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Posts posted by Symptoms

  1. BedlingtonLass wrote: "i think some people pretend not to know who soap characters are!!

    Well, I for one have never watched any of those programmes ... I want to do everything I can to protect the well-being of my brain cells. :P

    When the topic of this post is drawn together with Fav Takeaway In Bedlington (posted in Talk of the Town) a perception is created of folks who stuff their faces with pies & kebabs whilst slouched in front of the telly watching soap drivel. And, not a salad leaf or a bit of veg in sight!

    I say to the good folks of Bedlington ... wake-up before it's too late - nourish your brains ... subscribe to the Guardian, watch Newsnight and stop watching tosh.


  2. Yep, sharp scalpels, needle & thread and the wires clamped to the testicles has it's worked magic again. All we need now is a Marty Feldman look-alike (nominations please) to waddle in here croaking "You rang?".

    Ok, lets have your suggestions as to who would make the most convincing familiar for Count Moderator up in his Castle Chat Central.....

  3. Mysterious forces are at work here ... the patient has been the victim of euthanasia and it's corpse carted off to the mortuary. Extreme dissection will be performed by the owners/moderators to discover why the patient was showing signs of recovery; shame they had to top the patient in the process.

  4. SPLODGE wrote: " ... can anybody also tell me when are the lights going to get activated in the mens toilets. its as dark as a pair of gorillas goolies in there hence to say i need to put my trainers in the wash this morning."

    Try doing what the girlies have to do - that'll save the trainers. :D

  5. Sometime earlier I wrote:

    "Blimey, very faint stirrings seems to be emerging from the corpse called Forum, once in a previous life vigourous but moribund after his last incarnation. Dr Tezmarez is a dab-hand with the defribulator ... I say sign him up to permanently care for the patient."

    It could be that these recent stirrings shown by the patient might prove too taxing for it's poor, wizened carcase; it might consume itself. I suggest Dr Tez administer a good dose of Mogadon to calm the poor thing down.

  6. shags - looks like you've captured a UFO landing. Why not team-up with that genius who awoke national consciousness about Bedlington some years ago when he offered free haircuts to aliens. Just imagine the item on the 6 o'clock News ... 'Proof that the Martians have arrived for their Xmas short-back-and-sides' - it could go Global. Just think of the spin-offs - hugely increased traffic here on the Forum, and monster downloads/sales of your music and prints. I would only require a modest 10% of revenue generated for floating the idea.

    This plan could have a flaw ... are there any barbers' shops left in Bedlington?

  7. Just as well those Wigan cops weren't tooled-up.

    Just imagine the scene ....

    "Yes your honour, even though he was unarmed, as a soldier he could have been a trained killer so we had to shoot him dead to protect ourselves and members of the public".

    "That's OK Officer you were only doing your duty and following orders - walk free with your head held high".

  8. Then when an innocent gets topped on the Tube by the Boys in Blue (actually they weren't in uniforn) the Coroner, at today's Inquest, directs the Jury that they CANNOT return an Unlawful Killing verdict. Rubber stamp get-out for all those 'just following orders'.

    Picture the scene sometime in the future in a former mining town in Northumberland ...

    Bloke quietly walking down the street, stopped by a Bobby, "your papers please", "I ain't got 'em on me", "you know it's a crime not to carry them and we've been watching you on CCTV - up against the wall", bang, bang. Some time later ... "Yes your Honour, I feared for my life and for those around me, I thought he was wired-up, so I shot him", "that's OK Officer you were only doing your duty and following orders - walk free with your head held high".

    Sound familiar?

  9. The Board of UK Sport meet today to divi-up the funding for the various sports for 2012. All the usual suspects are likely to get whacking great shares of the dosh but other (deserving) groups will probably fare badly. Watch out for piles of dosh being heaped onto rowing, sailing, equestrian, fencing, etc. - mostly the stuff the born-rich or upper-middle class do. Elite athletics (read drug cheats) will be rewarded for their crap performance in China (4 medals only 1 gold) with loads of our money.

    The problem with raising the required dosh from sponsorship is that the firm (Fast Track) tasked with this can't allow those Companies who wish to donate permission to use the Olympic Rings logo. So what Company is going to give-up tons of dosh if it can't display the Rings and other Olympic logos. I don't think they can even use the word Olympic as it's copyright rests elsewhere.

  10. I say John Barrowman can do no wrong! Unless that single complaining LISTENER has some sort of Xray eyes that can see along a radio wave how can they be offended by the ACT of him getting his todger out?

    And again those craven, weak-kneed, yellow-bellied Beeb bosses have caved-in and removed the broadcast from IPlayer.

  11. The first steps of the rehabilitation of Jonathan Ross happened this morning ... The Guardian gave away a sheet of Xmas wrapping paper designed by the great man himself. It's part of a series, designed by artists, actors, musicians, performers, etc., given out everyday.

    Excellent stuff!

  12. That YouTube film is brilliant. I loved the line " ... scaldin' them sheeps' dottles" and was impressed at how fair-minded they were at admitting women into the Society. Discussed their membership at Committee then rejected it!

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