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  1. happy birthday
  2. very nice for the station shame the top end aint that nice!
  3. very childish! are you all sheep?
  4. has to be yep thats a hard one but i would say GT2 or GT3 Or GT4 just waiting for GT5 on the ps3? or sonic!
  5. the worst film i have ever seen has to be either the mummy or the scorpion king! oh my god how wrong are them films. since when did they have semi automatic hand guns in the 1920's and the rock cant act to save his life? he's more dull than Arnie and Sylvester put together. or what about hulk hogan films there really bad!
  6. yeah right! but there all the same the trick is to find the least irritating one or listen to a CD!
  7. This place is like the wild west! every ones shooting each other in the back over stupid things! i think you should calm down take something and be friendly!
  8. i haven't read the rules yet but should you really be swearing like that? i find it rather off putting is this place always like this? i take it pencil kneck is a small person clinging to the back of a bully "denzel" a right pair of Neanderthals probably racists to! i think this place needs a proper custodian or someone with a brain?
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