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Fully integrated Personal Photo Galleries will be added some time next month [Editor: That was written in October so we mean this month - November]. The delay is due to minor software bugs - which are being worked on as I write.

This gives you plenty of notice to get your collection of interesting pictures together and have them ready to upload! ;)

You can still upload pictures to posts, and, of course, those brave enough to start a blog can include their own graphics. But, the Galleries have automatic thumb-nail/photo-album creation, voting, commenting, extensive linking support to ensure minimum browsing effort, ability to send your pick of the photos to others as a greeting card, slide shows, photo sharing with other Bedlington Gallery owners, etc. etc.

  • 3 weeks later...

Although the Gallery is now on-line, and you can create an Album (or several Albums, there's no limitation on how many you can have!), there's a rather restrictive limit on the size of image that you can upload. It's probably good enough for almost all phone pix, but precludes high resolution stuff.

This isn't a file size limitation but a pixel count limitation. It's due to the large amount of memory the server needs to process the thumbnails. Presently members can upload 800 x 600 images but not 1024 x 768 images. We are working to remove this limitation at an early date.

You create a gallery album through "My Controls" (the link up top), and you can choose whether it is a private album or viewable by the public. Albums are private by default. You can turn the public switch on or off from your panel on an album by album basis, so you don't have to actually show a particular photo album until you're happy with it, and can turn it on and off (or delete it entirely) at your whim.

Please feel free to experiment. You can contact me for help through my PMS button - click on my BB name.

  • 3 months later...

whats happening with the development of the personal photo albums? i can make an album but i recieve an error message each time i try to upload a photo, anyone else with this trouble?

i have a few nice photos of the bedlington area i would like to share with the world!

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest missvic

i don't have any nice pictures of the town, however i do have some rather fine images of things that have been left behind on market day, greggs pasties left in unusual places and a multitude of dazzling saturday-night-offerings taken on a sunday morning. i too would like to exhibit these pictures to the interneters and would also like some help. cheers :D

  • 2 weeks later...
You create a gallery album through "My Controls" (the link up top), and you can choose whether it is a private album or viewable by the public. Albums are private by default. You can turn the public switch on or off from your panel on an album by album basis, so you don't have to actually show a particular photo album until you're happy with it, and can turn it on and off (or delete it entirely) at your whim.

Go to "My Controls" then "My Albums".

i don't have any nice pictures of the town, however i do have some rather fine images of things that have been left behind on market day, greggs pasties left in unusual places and a multitude of dazzling saturday-night-offerings taken on a sunday morning. i too would like to exhibit these pictures to the interneters and would also like some help. cheers :D

I have found that any pic larger than 100k (approx) will not upload. :angry:

I have found that any pic larger than 100k (approx) will not upload. :angry:

any ideas on how to make pics less than 100k if they are currently more than 100k? i have thought about cropping them but it would ruin the pictures! HELP!

Guest missvic
any ideas on how to make pics less than 100k if they are currently more than 100k? i have thought about cropping them but it would ruin the pictures! HELP!

ive been using a thingy called IrfanView which you can acquire from http://www.download.com/

you can resize images, but they stay the same, kinda, well maybe the mega pixels change, or something... i'm only a girl and therefore do not have any idea what i'm doing, but i know it works and it's easy... good luck

ive been using a thingy called IrfanView which you can acquire from http://www.download.com/

you can resize images, but they stay the same, kinda, well maybe the mega pixels change, or something... i'm only a girl and therefore do not have any idea what i'm doing, but i know it works and it's easy... good luck

Good choice, so show us your pic's now. :)

Guest missvic
Good choice, so show us your pic's now. :)

ive only managed to upload 2 pictures and now im getting a message saying im unable to do any more... is there a limit? im pleading femininity once more... can anyone help?

ive only managed to upload 2 pictures and now im getting a message saying im unable to do any more... is there a limit? im pleading femininity once more... can anyone help?

Have you checked to make sure your pics are 800x600 or less as mentioned at the top of the page?

Guest missvic
Have you checked to make sure your pics are 800x600 or less as mentioned at the top of the page?

check, captain... still no joy alas...

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 6 months later...
Where are these pic's Vic, surely you've sussed it by now. :blink::blink:

:unsure: has this problem been sorted, I have a few pictures to send

  • 3 weeks later...
:unsure: has this problem been sorted, I have a few pictures to send

You'll be able to upload providing the pictures aren't too big (800 x 600 pixels or less). However.. we're carrying out a software upgrade later in the week, and will see if the present limits can be upped by a considerable factor.

Anyone having difficulties can always contact me directly (click on my profile and PM or eMail me) and I'll happily post-process the pictures to suitable sizes and resolutions for them.

  • 2 weeks later...
:unsure: has this problem been sorted, I have a few pictures to send

The problem is now sorted.

I've tested with up to approx half megabyte files (really too big for the web anyway), and it not only works fine but the thumbnail generator doesn't bomb out either!

I think the file size limit is set to 1MB - will confirm and test this when I get a quiet moment. Will bump the available upload space as actualy needed. Presently there's about 50MB globally available, but this can be increased to anything sensible if it's being used productively for the Town - and not filled with crap!

Getting the Galleries and Blogs back on line is now a priority - got some pix to post myself.

Uploads may be restricted to the members only forums in future; we'll see how it gos.


  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

please, in as simple words as poss, tel me how to get my pics to the site, youe e-mail or www. that i CAN SEND THEM TO

  • 2 months later...
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