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is that the hair pin bend near the bank top pub? if it is then its a crackin road if you like fast corners lol

is that the hair pin bend near the bank top pub? if it is then its a crackin road if you like fast corners lol

The hairpin side is quite good, if i remember right, its the bedlington side, when you cross the bridge and go up the hill its a little lumpy!


This isn't rocket science. Councils everywhere don't spend money unless they need to. The Hairpin Bend is no longer the busy road it once was, being long since bypassed by the SE Northumberland spine road.

I can remember, many years ago, being in Bob J's car (the last Bedlington Town Surveyor?) when he'd unaccountably hit the brakes to record any potholes. The instruction would go down to fix them in the next days/weeks.

Believe me - compared with other parts of the EU were I frequently "Rome" - WDC is HOT on fixing bad roads. One thing you can't fault them for!

This isn't rocket science. Councils everywhere don't spend money unless they need to. The Hairpin Bend is no longer the busy road it once was, being long since bypassed by the SE Northumberland spine road.

I can remember, many years ago, being in Bob J's car (the last Bedlington Town Surveyor?) when he'd unaccountably hit the brakes to record any potholes. The instruction would go down to fix them in the next days/weeks.

Believe me - compared with other parts of the EU were I frequently "Rome" - WDC is HOT on fixing bad roads. One thing you can't fault them for!

well there not that hot! any way what happened to "pete the pot hole fixer"! :lol:

This isn't rocket science. Councils everywhere don't spend money unless they need to. The Hairpin Bend is no longer the busy road it once was, being long since bypassed by the SE Northumberland spine road.

I can remember, many years ago, being in Bob J's car (the last Bedlington Town Surveyor?) when he'd unaccountably hit the brakes to record any potholes. The instruction would go down to fix them in the next days/weeks.

Believe me - compared with other parts of the EU were I frequently "Rome" - WDC is HOT on fixing bad roads. One thing you can't fault them for!

Long gone are the days when the bus to Blyth used to go that way

Long gone are the days when the bus to Blyth used to go that way

or horse and cart! :lol:

  • 2 years later...

the subisiding road as you come in past the golf crouse is quite bad.

where the ground is settling still from the open casting.

tbh its quite handle....on the bus coming back from durham....fall alseep on the x31.........head ageisnt the window

when you get near the golf crouse all a sudden BANG!!! as ya head is stottied off the window as a wake up call :blink:



the subisiding road as you come in past the golf crouse is quite bad.

where the ground is settling still from the open casting.

tbh its quite handle....on the bus coming back from durham....fall alseep on the x31.........head ageisnt the window

when you get near the golf crouse all a sudden BANG!!! as ya head is stottied off the window as a wake up call :blink:


If the road was good you might miss your stop :D

  • 9 months later...

Is it just me moaning or are others of a similar view with the perpetual road works and temporary traffic lights which seem to spring up on Ridge Terrace with regular monotony. When I worked in Wallsend many moons ago the road at the of Swans Bank was forever being dug up and then filled in and resurfaced - rumours at the time were that this area was the training ground for the council road repair men. I wonder if this area of Bedlington is in the same category!


At least, or should I say at last, someone, somewhere used a bit of common. While the road surface was up they actually got the water board to do some repairs before they relaid the road! :o All we need now is for the gas board to come and dig it all up again :lol: :lol: :lol:


Don't speak too soon - stanger things have happened!


The mind boggles - just more unecessary hassle with these d****d temporary traffic lights again. Let's hope that the road surface is relaid properly once the work if finished - until the next time!!

  • 2 weeks later...

Anyone else puzzled by the amount of re-surfacing and pot hole filling been done around Bedders recently? Just seems a bit strange for a cash strapped council.....

it smooths the way to ashington, newbiggin, blyth and morpeth!!!!

cash strapped council! :lol: there so strapped there only going to the tropics for a fortnight this year! and they'll have to settle for a audi rather than the aston they had so so wanted!

  • 3 years later...

It's now 2014... and interestingly, I reported a whole bunch of potholes at the beginning of the year - Bedlington and Blyth mainly.. (getting quite sick of our council tax rises and NOTHING in return)


I actually got a call from a nice guy 'repairing' them, and the Bedlington ones I reported did get filled in.. The ones in Blyth - well, 0% of those have been repaired! (The call incidentally is on my youtube channel).

Unfortunately, some 6 months later, the state of the filled in holes is pretty bad, it seems they're filling them with gravel, stamping it in by foot or something.. The gravel is now coming away, and come the winter I'm sure they'll blame cold weather. Once upon a time roads were resurfaced properly, and they lasted longer than 6 months.


Quite who choosed the method and materials for the repairs I don't know, but they should be made accountable.


Surely it would be more cost effective to repair things properly instead of just a temporary repair? After all, we have one of the highest council taxes in the UK.


I urge everyone to get *something* for their council tax and report these problems, insisting that they get repaired properly.


Report them here: http://www.fixmystreet.com


Wonder how much it would cost US to fix the same potholes ourselves (if we had the equipment at hand - as they do (assuming they given it away to pals!)) I'm guessing 20% of what NCC say it costs? We'd probably then source the correct materials and fix em properly! Think I'll select a nice one, report it (or get a friend to so they don't try fiddling it), then put in a FOI request as to the cost - I'll let you guys know what they come back with see whether it's value for money, or...



I urge everyone to get *something* for their council tax and report these problems, insisting that they get repaired properly.


Report them here: http://www.fixmystreet.com


Hi Steve!  Why don't you add that to the new Directory (link up top) so that it's permanently available to everyone. Posts tend to get buried.  Anything else you think may be relevant to the town too.

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