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anyone go?

apparently 100 jobs up for grabs by december, with a further 50-100 once the store opens fully....

I saw the notice in the windows saying there were job interviews a few days ago.

So when will Tesco be opening?

I saw the notice in the windows saying there were job interviews a few days ago.

So when will Tesco be opening?

I`ve just been told that it`s opening next month. My mate has just had a phone call off someone at Tesco asking her to go for an interview.


its opening in the newyear so im told asdas gana be skint :lol:

anyone go?

apparently 100 jobs up for grabs by december, with a further 50-100 once the store opens fully....

Have you not applyed for a job there Mr Darn? It`ll be closer for you than Asda..

its opening in the newyear so im told asdas gana be skint :lol:

It`s sure to lose the Bedlington customers,unless Tesco`s prices are sky high like.


initial input from the manager i was talking to stated a basic foodstore will be opening in the previous somerfield building before christmas. unfortunately for them, they have found far more asbestos than they thought in the old co-op, and this is gonna take some removing b4 the builders can get in.

so far, they own and occupy the co-op building (all floors) the somerfield building (all floors) the upstairs of E4 and greggs and they either own, or are renting, the upstairs of piggly wigglys for a recrutment center. -:source, interviewing manager: Tesco.

apparently, they have no plans for across the road (the garage) and Fancy That and the carpet shop are not currently owned, Although the talks continue!

As for a job there... i have applied ;) but its only for another year, till i finnish my current course.

then i can broaden my horizons!

initial input from the manager i was talking to stated a basic foodstore will be opening in the previous somerfield building before christmas. unfortunately for them, they have found far more asbestos than they thought in the old co-op, and this is gonna take some removing b4 the builders can get in.

so far, they own and occupy the co-op building (all floors) the somerfield building (all floors) the upstairs of E4 and greggs and they either own, or are renting, the upstairs of piggly wigglys for a recrutment center. -:source, interviewing manager: Tesco.

apparently, they have no plans for across the road (the garage) and Fancy That and the carpet shop are not currently owned, Although the talks continue!

As for a job there... i have applied ;) but its only for another year, till i finnish my current course.

then i can broaden my horizons!

what course self stacker or delivery driver ? :lol::lol:

PFFFT! :angry:

You know as well as i do i can only ever push trolleys! :angry::blink:;)

What do you mean,you can only push trolleys? and what does PFFFT mean? :blink:

What do you mean,you can only push trolleys? and what does PFFFT mean? :blink:

Pffft thats his head exapanding with the thought of shelf stacker of the year! :lol::lol::lol:

Pffft thats his head exapanding with the thought of shelf stacker of the year! :lol::lol::lol:

No,it must be Trolley Pusher of the year man..Oh to be a Trolley Dolly :lol::lol: :lol: :lol:

As for a job there... i have applied ;) but its only for another year, till i finnish my current course.

then i can broaden my horizons!

Good luck Mr Oblivious!


pffft is that sound you make when you exhale quickly with your mouth mostly closed, like the sound my lass makes when i say "can i borrow some money to go on the piss with the lads?"

and, no, i'm not really a trolley dolley, although its quite a good job in the summer so i hear!

pffft is that sound you make when you exhale quickly with your mouth mostly closed, like the sound my lass makes when i say "can i borrow some money to go on the piss with the lads?"

and, no, i'm not really a trolley dolley, although its quite a good job in the summer so i hear!

Oh..anyway,before i forget,i was shopping at Asda last week and i seen a tranny,it was the big hands and deep voice that gave it away.Just thought i`d share that with everyone :D

Oh..anyway,before i forget,i was shopping at Asda last week and i seen a tranny,it was the big hands and deep voice that gave it away.Just thought i`d share that with everyone :D

lol, we have 2-3 regulars at Blyth....

lol, we have 2-3 regulars at Blyth....

Really? That`s the first time i`ve seen a tranny in Asda,not that it matters i suppose,it takes a lot of balls to come out like that :lol:

My old man's put in for a job. Fingers crossed he gets lucky, being being 60 may well go against him. :-/

Nah, generally big stores like Tesco and Asda like to have a good mix of employees... young, old, male, female, black, white, tall, short etc...

Oh..anyway,before i forget,i was shopping at Asda last week and i seen a tranny,it was the big hands and deep voice that gave it away.Just thought i`d share that with everyone :D


What did it look like?


What did it look like?

Wey,it just looked like a woman from the back,but when he turned round the face looked a bit not right,so i looked straight at the hands and they were like shovels,then he was on the phone and there was no mistaking it..he didn`t look too bad as a wife like..i`ve seen worse.

Wey,it just looked like a woman from the back,but when he turned round the face looked a bit not right,so i looked straight at the hands and they were like shovels,then he was on the phone and there was no mistaking it..he didn`t look too bad as a wife like..i`ve seen worse.

Oh, so it didnt look like this then...


Oh, so it didnt look like this then...

If he had looked like that i would have ran home for me camera :lol:


guessing i should really get up the street more i didnt even know there was an open day, my other half just got his application form the other day hope he aint 2 late!

on the side of scary people in asda we always end up going to the same till for some reason we always get the slightly moronic dark haired lass who may as well be sitting in front of a tv drooling (a perfect female homer simpson) she puts 1 item through 3 times and then wonders why the people in her queue refill their basket and go to the next till! over paid or what!!!

guessing i should really get up the street more i didnt even know there was an open day, my other half just got his application form the other day hope he aint 2 late!

on the side of scary people in asda we always end up going to the same till for some reason we always get the slightly moronic dark haired lass who may as well be sitting in front of a tv drooling (a perfect female homer simpson) she puts 1 item through 3 times and then wonders why the people in her queue refill their basket and go to the next till! over paid or what!!!

well, it is said they cannot discriminate!

A job is a job, and if a disabled/drunk/thick-as-pig-dung/smelly/or any other type of person wishes to be employed, then the companys have to employ at least one from each class to show how unbias they are!

its mad!

Jobs should be given to those able to do it...not just because they are 'not considered normal'

i actually got beat to a job i wanted to do, because the company i applied to did not have any disabled persons employed, so they employed him over me to 'look politically correct'. The guy who got the job diddnt even want it!

(yeah yeah, maybe he was better at it than me and im just bitter! <_< )

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