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Makes you wonder why they move to this country if they dont like our ways... maybe because we've spent billions doing this place up over the years and they like the look of it. You wont see many people going the other way. We're lucky in this country and they know it. Jealously is a terrible thing.. the're stuck with a rubbish religon living in a dusty horrible hole with no facilties and they like to have a pop at us using Islam and its prophet to try and show the west in a bad light.


hamburger you seem to be out numbered just put up your hands and admit this aint racial hatred!  :blink:

The word "racial" was used in error, for which I apologise.

Like I already did?

The rest of it is all poorly typed guff, regurgitated from the editorial pages of the Daily Mail.

Outnumbered? Good. The time I find myself agreeing with the angry, frightened blowhards on here will be the time to worry.

The only puzzling thing about this argument is your ineptitude to get the point.Yes I agree with him but does he and islam agree with me,anything clicked yet,no I didn't think so! When they come to this country do they think our laws apply to them, no, because of their religion,can they get round our laws because of their religion, yes ,can I claim the same rights as them in my own country, no.do they get away with things because of "racial discrimination"yes Are they trying to undermine our education system, yes,are they trying to change dress codes in our schools and society, yes,are they trying to undermine the christian faith,yes.Does anybody do anything about it,no.Why because we have a country full of people like yourself who just want to sit back and let them get on with it...........till its to late that is!

Could I do anything like this in their countries NO! So why should they tell us what to do in their countries when they have no intention of doing that in countries they go to!


Here here!

Makes you wonder why they move to this country if they dont like our ways... maybe because we've spent billions doing this place up over the years and they like the look of it. You wont see many people going the other way. We're lucky in this country and they know it. Jealously is a terrible thing.. the're stuck with a rubbish religon living in a dusty horrible hole with no facilties and they like to have a pop at us using Islam and its prophet to try and show the west in a bad light.


Yes, I've often wondered, if we in the west are all so evil, why do they go to extreme lengths to get into our country in the first place?

Apart from the fact that they get cash, housing, education, healthcare and more (more than us in most cases) thrown at them of course!

Like I already did?

The rest of it is all poorly typed guff, regurgitated from the editorial pages of the Daily Mail.

Outnumbered? Good. The time I find myself agreeing with the angry, frightened blowhards on here will be the time to worry.

Agreeing with what exactly? What is it that you dont agree with?

:lol: :lol:

I am puzzled whwn I see the discussion reversed to an opposite view of events. Of course it is political, (And religious!)

But if this lady is the experienced, much travelled, teacher, which is what the Canadian press describes her as. Then what on earth is she doing, going into a deeply Muslim country, teaching their children in an English fashion, and totally ignoring the religious and social mores of the parents.

If she is so experienced, and travelled, then she must surely be well aware of the depth of suspicions which are harboured against the West, particularly a former colonial power such as England, and a nuvo colonial power such as the US.

She may be experienced, but lacks common sense, if she exposed herself to such an obvious charge, even if it did spring from such an inoffensive game. "But only inoffensive in the non muslim world"!

She will be fortunate if she escapes only with the 15 day sentence. There are enough bitterly anti western people in the region to wish nothing but evil to the woman, or any other member of the western nations who think that they can

bring their own beliefs, and attitudes to any non Christian nation.

After several years of peacekeeping service with the Canadian armed forces, I was painfully aware of just how easy it is to antagonise the very people who desperately needed our help. Being a nation in need of foreign help, is a humiliating experience for many third world nations. And there always those who will seize any opportunity to level charges of colonialism, or accuse the most sincere attempts to bring education, of being veiled attempts to bring foreign religions into their homeland!

To forget what she has done to arouse suspicion and fear among the Sudanese, and change the discussion to "When they come here, they had better comform to our ways, or else" does not help. It is just another attempt to place the blame on whoever is this weeks popular villain.

It really is too bad that there is so much animus against immigrants in England. But that is something to be dealt with between the British government, and the electorate. Certainly not by whipping up the lynch mob mentality.

Canada has its share of anti immigrant disputes. Among the more benign, are a series of complaints against Muslim girls who wear the Hijab, (A form of headscarf! while playing soccer. But we will sort it out!

We have to, because Canada is a nation of immigrants, we don't want them all deported, we need the labour in a booming economy. And the Canadian population is very heavily based on the millions of post ww2 immigrants and the further millions of children who were born Canadian.

I hope the lady gets home safely. And I hope that she will have learned to respect the right to difference.

And that is a lesson that the English need to learn too. Being different is not being inferior, it just means that you are different. And that difference will diminsh with the the birth of millions of new citizens to these different parents. That is how we benefit from immigration!

Learning new ways of life is never easy. But time and tolerance solves all.

Joe Rooney

I am puzzled whwn I see the discussion reversed to an opposite view of events. Of course it is political, (And religious!)

But if this lady is the experienced, much travelled, teacher, which is what the Canadian press describes her as. Then what on earth is she doing, going into a deeply Muslim country, teaching their children in an English fashion, and totally ignoring the religious and social mores of the parents.

If she is so experienced, and travelled, then she must surely be well aware of the depth of suspicions which are harboured against the West, particularly a former colonial power such as England, and a nuvo colonial power such as the US.

She may be experienced, but lacks common sense, if she exposed herself to such an obvious charge, even if it did spring from such an inoffensive game. "But only inoffensive in the non muslim world"!

what do you mean what was she doing there? trying to help the backward minded muslims thats what!

english fashion? well it's either that or the usual rocking back and forth chanting out that muslim book!

and again she didn't actually call the teddy mohammed! the children did!

what do you mean what was she doing there? trying to help the backward minded muslims thats what!

english fashion? well it's either that or the usual rocking back and forth chanting out that muslim book!

and again she didn't actually call the teddy mohammed! the children did!

But she was the teacher! She was in charge of the class. She decided to play this game and once the children chose to use a religiously offensive name, then it was her common sense duty to the law, and for her own safety, to point out that it would be a source of embarrassment to their parents, and lead them elsewhere.

Again, as a teacher, her role was to lead the class. Not hide behind the honest mistake of children, innoffensive as it might be elswhere. But not in a Muslim country!

You can believe as you wish, but the Muslim faith is over a billion people strong, and even though the proportion of militant Muslims is still a minority. It is still several million strong, and they have the same right as those in every other religion to believe as they will, and as in this case, take umbrage at what they see as an insult to their faith!


By the way. I read in this mornings paper that the dispute over a young girl wearing a hijab while playing soccer, has been resolved.

The amateur soccer association, the parents, and the local Canadian Muslim chapter, met and came up with a solution. Between them, they designed a head gear which is more like a scarf, but which meets the safety needs of the soccer group.

She played her first game with the new modified hijab yesterday.

This is what I mean by tolerance, and both sides came with an open mind.

Much more productive than mindless insults and mudslinging!


Even so it was purely innocent! and she should of just getting a slap on the wrist and told not to do it again! prison! death! over the top!

and this muslim playin football with that ninja suit on! should be banned! just like calling teddy mohammed is! fair play and all that!



The child was born here.

All that your hatred allows you to see, is a dark skinned foreigner of a different religion, and your bias makes this child an object of contempt and xenophobic derision.

Fortunately, she is a Canadian citizen. And as such, she has the freedom and equality of every other Canadian.

So keep your hatred on that side of the pond, and she will grow up to fulfil whatever her talents and aptitude dictate, her work ethic ,intelligence, and determination being all that she needs.

I am really beginning to wonder why England needs immigrants. They certainly don't seem to welcome them, and if your attitude and bigotry is the norm, they need all the help that God and fairminded people can provide!



The child was born here.

All that your hatred allows you to see, is a dark skinned foreigner of a different religion, and your bias makes this child an object of contempt and xenophobic derision.

Fortunately, she is a Canadian citizen. And as such, she has the freedom and equality of every other Canadian.

So keep your hatred on that side of the pond, and she will grow up to fulfil whatever her talents and aptitude dictate, her work ethic ,intelligence, and determination being all that she needs.

I am really beginning to wonder why England needs immigrants. They certainly don't seem to welcome them, and if your attitude and bigotry is the norm, they need all the help that God and fairminded people can provide!


Good points made by CK & Joe

Good points made by CK & Joe

you got the human form of that sheep virus! Brown Tongue! :lol::lol::lol:  

you need a 4 metre exclusion zone at all times cause your breath smells of !*!@#! :lol::lol:

well at least ck and joe won't be short of toilet roll when your around! :lol:

At last justice!

you got the human form of that sheep virus! Brown Tongue! :lol::lol::lol:  

you need a 4 metre exclusion zone at all times cause your breath smells of !*!@#! :lol::lol:

well at least ck and joe won't be short of toilet roll when your around! :lol:

At last justice!

No problem Monsta........keep the faith :D

No problem Monsta........keep the faith :D
you got the human form of that sheep virus! Brown Tongue! :lol::lol::lol:

you need a 4 metre exclusion zone at all times cause your breath smells of !*!@#! :lol::lol:

well at least ck and joe won't be short of toilet roll when your around! :lol:

At last justice!

It's ok monsta this lot still have their blindfolds on.This country nearly full and as we are a democratic country it won't be long before the mad mullahs will be in power.Then we will see how ck and his cronies feel!Once this country full they can then cross to joes side of the pond then he will also then understand what is going on ,but somehow I don't think he will cos ck must have sent him a spare blindfold!

Well off to get some knee pads. If we can't beat them might as well join them.............which way is west again.......

This country nearly full and as we are a democratic country it won't be long before the mad mullahs will be in power.

What a poorly-constructed, ill thought-out sentence. Do you really believe this guff you type or are you just having a "laugh"?

What a poorly-constructed, ill thought-out sentence. Do you really believe this guff you type or are you just having a "laugh"?

Like I said if you can't beat them........................ :D

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