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When: What do you mean by "old"?

Where: Picnic Field, 20 Acres, Front Street/Market Place, or Millne House Car Park?

What for: ...and do you want them for private use or public showing?


20 acres really I used to live in millfield and now in kent I am a showman now and remember the days from the 60s and 70s however I did not have any pictures they are for private use I have managed to buy william summers big wheel that attended the picnic regularly however taylors dive bombers grahams twist to name but a few have been scrapped the only 1 I have was of the astronaut in church lane when it got stuck.

My dad used to run the blue bell terry goonan and was secretary of the top club for quite a few years after he left the doctor pit my grandad jack hedley was a bookies runner for smouts in the 50s 60s 70s and I used to manage connexions for tom hennessy as well as work for david milne at NVR tv rentals the pictures i am seeking are purely for nostalgic personal reasons.


Hi Does anyone have any pictures of the shows at the old miners picnic



Hi Strongbow.

I think there is a posting that will interest you in the "Talk of the Town" forum

The topic title is "Ken Russell in the market place club!"

(it should be at the bottem of the first page of topics)

Scroll down to posting number 6 by Swalnalla and click on the here link.

There are quite a few videos of the 1960 picnic among some old footage.

I am having my relatives delve through there old albums and let you know if

I come up with anything.


Hi Strongbow.

I think there is a posting that will interest you in the "Talk of the Town" forum

The topic title is "Ken Russell in the market place club!"

(it should be at the bottem of the first page of topics)

Scroll down to posting number 6 by Swalnalla and click on the here link.

There are quite a few videos of the 1960 picnic among some old footage.

I am having my relatives delve through there old albums and let you know if

I come up with anything.


Thanks for your help

Thanks for your help

Bedlington Colliery

Bedlington Pit was located in South East Northumberland some 12 miles north of Newcastle.

The pit opened in 1838.

It closed down in 1971.

Coal production peaked at Bedlington Pit in 1950.

There were no major disasters at this pit but 178 men were killed during the life of the colliery.

Common causes of fatalities were:

- being crushed by falls of stones/coal or collapsing roofs;

- explosions;

- being crushed by wagons;

- being run over by pit ponies.

In 1960 Bedlington Colliery employed 2,858 men in A, D and F pits.

2,224 men worked below the surface of the pit in 1960.

Other collieries in and around Bedlington included Francis Pit, Hannah Pit, Howard's West Hartley Pit and Ewart Hill Pit.

At its peak in 1913, the Great North Coalfield employed almost ¼ million men, producing over 56 million tons of coal every year from about 400 pits.

The North East produced a quarter of Britain's coal in 1913.

In the 1950s and 1950s the North East was heavily dependent on 'carboniferous capitalism'.

Coal was known as "the black diamond".

Ellington Pit was the last deep mine in Northumberland - its closure was announced in early 2005.

And finally a nice house estate

Progress......Go Nuclear Power ;)

Group Denzil's farts after a night on the beer may be an improvement.

New slogan..."Buy Denzel Beer"


You seem to be the expert. :rolleyes:


You seem to be the expert. :rolleyes:


Not really, ask several over forty married women for their recollection of his lower

regions...... :mellow:


Yep, Ann can corroborate that, I was up her chocolate knot on Saturday night.

Yep, Ann can corroborate that, I was up her chocolate knot on Saturday night.


Cold extrusion of flexible chocolate is concerned with pressure driven extrusion processing of chocolate in the semi-solid state. Contrary to the traditional liquid melt processing of chocolate, Denzel showed that the semi solid ram extrusion processing of chocolate above the melting point of the material was feasible. The fresh extrudate was found to have a temporary flexibility before becoming brittle with storage time. This short term flexibility of the extrudate enables for instance complex shape formation immediately after extrusion.



To be fair, Ann's looked a bit more 'worn-in' than that. I think Bill is responsible.


I'll tell you what would be good.

If Pencil Neck could subvert every thread so that it ends up centring on his rather unhealthy obsession with Denzel's sex life, particularly his love of older ladies and his supposed propensity for al fresco how's-your-father.

That would be tremendous fun, that.

Not really, ask several over forty married women for their recollection of his lower

regions...... :mellow:

Mrs Puggy Wuggy has a square cut punt.

Not a punt cut square,

Just a square cut punt.

It's round in the stern and blunt in the front.

Mrs Puggy Wuggy's square cut punt.


I'll tell you what would be good.

If Pencil Neck could subvert every thread so that it ends up centring on his rather unhealthy obsession with Denzel's sex life, particularly his love of older ladies and his supposed propensity for al fresco how's-your-father.

That would be tremendous fun, that.

Thank you CK, I think Mr Neck's obsession has become dangerous. Pleae take care if you see him on the streets, he's a l-l-l-l-l-l-loose c-c-c-c-c-cannon.

  • 3 years later...

The above (non-) graphically illustrates something I've alway felt. We have to build our own permanent history. It can't be entrusted to a USA Corporation with "a bottom line" to look at every quarter.

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