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i remember when it was the co-op with the dodgy green lift, and presto next door. and bachi (?) at the bottom of the street. god, does that ake me old???? im only 35 hahah B)

does that ake me old???? im only 35 hahah B)

Na I think you're safe for now, I'm sure some people on this forum remember the "co-op building" a little further back than that. ;)

i remember when it was the co-op with the dodgy green lift, and presto next door. and bachi (?) at the bottom of the street. god, does that ake me old???? im only 35 hahah B)

It`s ok i remember that too :lol: I vaguely remember Bachi`s, serving a lot of oxo?

I also remember a certain `celeb` robbing out of the co-op, he`d try on clothes then go into the green lifts, put the clothes on then put his own clothes on over the top ;) I say he`s a celeb, but he just thinks he is :lol:..I`ll probably get into bother for mentioning that but the person in question probably doesn`t use this site so all is well..if he does he`ll know who i`m on about :lol: Never mind..

Can anyone remember the record shop in Bedlington? It used to have a clothes shop above it called Rebel? I think that`s what you called it anyway..that must have been the late 70`s i think?

i remember when it was the co-op with the dodgy green lift, and presto next door. and bachi (?) at the bottom of the street. god, does that ake me old???? im only 35 hahah B)
kasyx Newbie Age Unknown ?? years old gender_mystery.png Gender Not Set Location Unknown Birthday Unknown

Now you've made this public is there any reason you can't quote it in your profile? :D Anyway welcome aboard and hope that in the fullness of time (and moving on to Step 2) ) you become an Oldbie.

Can anyone remember the record shop in Bedlington? It used to have a clothes shop above it called Rebel? I think that`s what you called it anyway..that must have been the late 70`s i think?

I remember the record shop from being young, think I got an Aha 7" there, so reckon it could have been there until about 1985? Certainly when I was going to buy my Inspiral Carpets records I had to go to Blyth, so it had to be away by 1990.

Do you remember a clothes shop at the market place too? Possibly where the florist is now? I'm sure I bought a top from there for my Madchester phase too. Am I correct in thinking that there might have been a hairdressers in there too, or is that just my mind playing tricks?

I also remember a certain `celeb` robbing out of the co-op, he`d try on clothes then go into the green lifts, put the clothes on then put his own clothes on over the top ;) I say he`s a celeb, but he just thinks he is :lol:..I`ll probably get into bother for mentioning that but the person in question probably doesn`t use this site so all is well..if he does he`ll know who i`m on about :lol: Never mind..

Come on Cympil... spill the beans!

I remember the record shop from being young, think I got an Aha 7" there, so reckon it could have been there until about 1985? Certainly when I was going to buy my Inspiral Carpets records I had to go to Blyth, so it had to be away by 1990.

Do you remember a clothes shop at the market place too? Possibly where the florist is now? I'm sure I bought a top from there for my Madchester phase too. Am I correct in thinking that there might have been a hairdressers in there too, or is that just my mind playing tricks?

Come on Cympil... spill the beans!

The record shop was still open when the clothes shop above it closed, they were two seperate shops, although i seem to remember the woman in the clothes shop had something to do with the record shop too?

I can`t remember the clothes shop that you mention..i know there was a one on the corner there, where the cafe is now, at least i think its a cafe of sorts?


On the face of it this looks like really good news for the town but a little closer inspection maybe needed! Couple of points, why is the new store designed so the main entrance is at the back and what impact will that have on the Front Street, if it is supposed to be all about economic regeneration of Front Street? The car park is to be the normal Tesco jobbie, i.e. only free for so long. There are exceptions of course but the biggest free car park in the town is now private. Maybe the planners need to be a bit more on their game with this one seeing as the Sally Army building is staying as is having just been given retrospective permission!

Anyone else a bit unhappy with the much lauded news that Bedders will get a million quid in grant funding one minute then WDC sell land and assets in the town for the same amount without, at present, any more for the town? Looks to be given with one hand and taken with the other, course one is grant funded the other might be used to buy some ‘golden parachutes!’

The questionnaire handed out by Tesco’s, the last question is about the underpass at Glebe road, what on earth has that to do with them?

Final point about the development, seems the head honchos at WDC are to step down as directors of W.H., the business set up to take over running of the old council houses, and are now the board of W.L., the company set up to run the likes of the new shops being built at this site. Hmmmm...........


Tesco: The Movie :D:D:D

And, I thought Time Trumpet was a load of &(**^(* - just goes to show there are gems to be found in every giant load of muck! ;)


Exciting times folks! I used to live in an area within walking distance of the Metro Centre before during and after it was built. It certainly increased house values, but by god! the traffic was awful.


Hmm... Dave...

It's a convincing video that... Makes it seem that the whole town is on side...

Curious mind that one of the glamourous 'civillians' interviewed applauding the expansion, well, I've seen her somewhere before... Haven't you... Where was it now...


Hmm... Dave...

It's a convincing video that... Makes it seem that the whole town is on side...

Curious mind that one of the glamourous 'civillians' interviewed applauding the expansion, well, I've seen her somewhere before... Haven't you... Where was it now...


Aye she thought she was talking to North East tonight haha... check the telephone voice out :).. ... Looks like TESCO is annexing bedlington Front street, well the credit crisis might save the day for all those against it...

  • 2 weeks later...
More in the News Post Leader this week, public invited to visit the Community Centre to see plans or if you can't make that, visit Tesco next Monday & Tuesday.

We'll all find out exactly what they are proposing to do?

Rumours this weekend are that they are completely flattening everything from the Tavern down over and rebuilding and having it built on "stilts" with car parking underneath?

Supposedly selling electricals and clothing like the other larger shops plus other retail units within the shop.

p.s What's happening to the old Gas shop? workmen busy and seem to be dividing the shop, anyone know what it's going to be?

Things looking up for Bedlington, Tesco extending, Gas shop, and a new computer shop, anything else opening up?

Aye, let's get the bunting out eh?

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